Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Are You Taking a Vacation This Summer?

Tell us if you are taking a vacation this summer and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What to Do If You Don't Have Your ID at the Airport

If you've misplaced your passport and ID just before boarding a flight, don't panic! Hope is not lost.

How to Make Your Sluggish Workday Go (a Lot) Faster

When's it gonna be done o'clock already? Make the long workday hours go a lot faster with some shortcuts, treats, and fun ways to be productive.

Mental Tricks That Will Help You Hate Winter Less

With the endless falling of snow, winter can be a miserable time. Hate it a little less by adding these clever mental tricks to your arsenal.

8 Ways to Actually Relax Over the Holidays

Is holiday stress season is here again? This year, resolve to take it easy despite your overflowing calendar.

Setting Great Goals...and Achieving Them

Learn how to set goals and chase down your dreams.

17 Cheap Ways to Dress Up Your Garden

Give your outdoor living space a little low-cost love this summer. No trips to the home and garden store required.

The 5 Best Beach Umbrellas

Catching shade at the beach when the sun's out isn't easy, but it can be. Just bring any of these beach umbrellas with you and you'll be able to hide from those rays.

6 Tips for Making Cheaper, Faster, Better Meals

You don't have to slave over the stove to make a great meal. Craft delicious dinners quickly and cheaply with these tips.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Why I Need to Find $31K This Year

Wise Bread writer Max Wong needs to find an extra $31,000 this year. She's up for the challenge, and we're along for the ride.

9 Free Things to Do in Any City You Visit

Wherever you travel, chances are you will find plenty of fun — and free — places and happenings to experience the people and culture. Here's where to start looking.

A Cheapskate’s Guide to Eating Out

Are there ways to chop the bill and eat out for less? You bet.

Talking Trash: Is Your Messy Mind the Cause of Your Messy House?

If your house is cluttered, it could be affecting your mind, too. The good news is that you can keep your home AND brain clean — even if you're naturally messy.

5 Perfectly Respectable Ways To Get A Free Meal

If you’re willing to be patient, gracious, and alert to opportunities, you can enjoy free meals on certain occasions. Here are ways that have worked for me.

These 15 Road Trip Snacks Make It All About the Journey

Are we there yet? Who cares when the car is filled with delicious — and healthy — snacks and treats like these!

Get Better Sleep With These 5 Great Sleep-Tracking Apps

If you're a restless sleeper, a sleep tracker can help you monitor your sleep habits in order to develop a better sleep routine. These are five good options.

3 Real Costs of Self-Publishing a Kids' Book

Think writing books for kids is an easy way to earn a living? Think again.

Great Ways to Improve Your Resume Today

If you're applying for jobs, these quick and easy resume changes could make a big difference in whether or not you land an interview.

The 5 Best Microdermabrasion Products

Keeping your skin healthy and clear isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these microdermabrasion products and your face will always look fab.

Modifiers: 5 things that change an item's final price

Shopping for goods isn't Dungeons & Dragons, but it's still an adventure. Like D&D dice, modifiers affect the end result of what happens to you — specifically, how much you spend.