Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Families Can Earn and Use Travel Rewards

As a solo traveler, you may have your travel rewards strategy down pat. But what about when you're planning to bring the family?

Great Financial Gifts for Children

Financial management is one of the most important lessons you can teach children — start early with these great (and fun!) financial gifts for kids.

21 Fresh Food Delivery Services That Can Save You Big

Fresh food, delivered directly to your door! Grocery delivery is all the rage right now, and these are the services to look for in your neighborhood.

Stabilize Your Portfolio With These 11 Dividend Stocks

With interest rates stuck at historic lows, stocks that pay dividends can generate cash income. These dividend stocks are definitely worth a look.

25 Ways to Save $5 This Week

Small changes can make a big difference to your savings account. Jump-start your savings with these 25 easy ways to put away $5.

8 Things People With Good Credit Never Do

Want good credit? Don't do this.

9 Warning Signs You Can't Afford That New House

If that new house puts the squeeze on your savings, your dream home can quickly become a nightmare. Here's how to tell if it's really too much.

Better cars are not the answer

Wise Bread is an optimistic place. There are some people who can't see the congruence between optimism and frugality. I'm talking about the people who point to our progre

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Financial Goals for 2018?

Tell us about your financial goals for 2018 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Ways to Avoid Bank Fees While Traveling

Bank fees can put a serious damper on your travel budget. Put an end to them with these simple tips.

I Finally Canceled Comcast Cable…Before It Hurt More Than My Wallet

Treat me poorly once, Comcast, shame on you. Provide startlingly awful customer service again, and you lose my business entirely.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Start Claiming Your Social Security Benefits

Just because you can start claiming Social Security benefits, doesn't necessarily mean you should. Ask yourself these questions first.

Affordable Accessories to Kickstart Your Style

Keep your wardrobe updated and your wallet full by harnessing the power of awesome accessories.

The 5 Best Massage Sticks

Getting the tension out of your muscles isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these massage sticks and your whole body will feel better.

Search Online for a Fix before You Toss that Broken Gadget

My husband and I often search online for fixes to our electronics problems because if a gadget is out of warranty it often costs quite a bit to get it fixed. When we find a soluti

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Pantry Staples?

Tell us about your favorite pantry staples and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 7 Most Outrageously Expensive Whole Foods Products

With $30 emu eggs and $70 air plants, it's no wonder Whole Foods carries the "Whole Paycheck" nickname. Who buys this stuff?

TurboTax: New features, and a chance to win a copy

The kind folks at Intuit have given us some free copies of TurboTax. I snagged one that I'm going to use to do my taxes, and once I'm done, I'll post a review and tell

Here's What You Should Know About Bitcoin

Bitcoin — the online, electronic currency — has been in the news a lot lately, but it's still mysterious to most of us. Learn what it is and if it fits into your lifestyle.

10 Best Tools for Finding an Apartment on the Cheap

Looking for a new apartment can be about as much fun as getting a root canal. However, a wealth of free or cheap tools are at hand to make it easier.