Are your credit card interest rates getting to you? Are those monthly cell phone bills a pain in the wallet? How about cable TV? Internet? Even the power bill? Would you like to re
Caregiving is a wonderful, heartfelt gesture that comes with emotional and financial stress. Make sure you're prepared for all of the challenges it can bring.
Powdered milk has accrued a bad reputation over too many years of kids being forced to drink the stuff growing up. But it ain't so bad - especially when you can do over 20 things w
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
11 Budgeting Skills Everyone Should Master
Stop dreading the "b-word." Mastering these simple budgeting skills will put you on the path to financial wellbeing.
How to Protect Yourself from a Home Improvement Scam
When you decide to get work done on your home, you have to be careful. There are plenty of people out there looking to rip you off.
10 Self-Improvement Apps to Make You Smarter, Stronger, and Happier
Want to develop healthier habits? Become the Six Million Dollar You with the help of these 10 cheap (or free!) self-improvement apps.
Ask the Readers: What's In Your Pantry?
Tell us about your pantry and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Adjusting Financial Attitudes: Lessons for Parents and their Children
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Shortcuts for Meal Prep?
Tell us your shortcuts for meal prep and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rate and Reduce Your Phone Bill, Immediately and Easily
Are your credit card interest rates getting to you? Are those monthly cell phone bills a pain in the wallet? How about cable TV? Internet? Even the power bill? Would you like to re
All the Ways You Can Score More Points and Miles This Holiday Season
While you're busy holiday shopping and preparing for trips to see the family, why not earn tons of points and miles in the process?
401K or IRA? You Need Both
You know you should have either a 401K or an IRA. Have you considered you might need both?
11 Easy Ways to Fix Your Whole Life This Summer
Rather than focusing on getting your body "bikini-ready," make a few easy lifestyle changes and live your best life.
6 Ways You're Wearing Out Your Furnace Too Soon
You don't want your furnace to break down in the dead of winter. Here's how you might be wearing it out too soon.
8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem
Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.
3 Money Arguments That Can Hurt Your Relationships
You should really nip these common money arguments in the bud before they hurt your relationships.
12 Free Software Tools for Your Small Business
Your small business doesn't need the latest high-cost software to get up and running. There are plenty of great options online for free.
7 Affordable Cities for a Craft Beer Road Trip
If you want to try the best craft beers America has to offer, hit the road and head to these seven cities.
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming a Caregiver
Caregiving is a wonderful, heartfelt gesture that comes with emotional and financial stress. Make sure you're prepared for all of the challenges it can bring.
How Too Many Small Decisions Can Cost You Big
Small decisions might not seem taxing separately, but collectively, they can really weigh you down. Here's how.
Paint a Room and Wash Your Face: More Uses For Powdered Milk Than You Ever Imagined
Powdered milk has accrued a bad reputation over too many years of kids being forced to drink the stuff growing up. But it ain't so bad - especially when you can do over 20 things w
9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out
Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?
9 Hidden Expenses to Plan for When You Redeem Travel Rewards
Redeeming travel rewards is fun and can feel like scoring free travel, but there are some hidden expenses you should budget for.