Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Easiest Way to Invest in the World's Biggest Companies

You don't need thousands of dollars to buy high-priced stock — really!

6 Big Ways ATMs Are Changing

The local ATM you know and love might be changing — for the better! Here's how banks are teaching the venerable ATM some new tricks.

Frugal Red Herrings: Money-Savers That Cost You in Other Ways

Are your money-saving ways just an illusion? Find out if you're falling prey to these frugal red herrings.

Faster Free Shipping on Amazon With No Minimum Order -- Free Prime Trial

Wouldn't it be nice if you could get (nearly) everything shipped free from Amazon this holiday season? Without having to spend $25? You can -- with a three-month Amazon Prime Free

Is There Any Reason to Pay for a Landline Anymore?

Let's investigate if paying for a landline phone is still worth it.

The 5 Best Digital Food Scales

When trying to eat healthy, the right tools make it easy. Just use any of these digital food scales and your goal weight will be within your reach.

8 Giveaways That People Were Just Talking About You

Our ears aren't actually very reliable when it comes to sensing gossip and busybodies. Here's what to look for instead of toasty earlobes.

Micro-Prepping: How to Prepare for Small Disasters

Are you prepared for even a small disaster? Micro-prepping will get you there.

23 Cheap Summer Date Ideas

Romantic dates in the summertime don't have to cost much at all.

How Small Business Credit Cards Affect Your Personal Credit

Those small business credit card offers sure are tempting. Understand the risks to your personal credit before you sign up.

Me too, Secretary Paulson!

Dear Secretary Paulson: I've looked over the fact sheet on the proposal to give the Treasury the authority to purchase "troubled assets," and although I have some doubts about th

7 Things Financial Advisers Wish You Knew About Retirement

You don't need a crystal ball to plan your retirement. You just need to listen to your financial adviser.

Big List of Birthday Freebies

It's your birthday, time to take advantage of the one day of the year that people have to be nice to you. Take a look at all the things companies are willing to give you for free!

The 5 Best 3D Printers

Why print flat paper when you can print 3D objects? Just use any of these 3D printers and you'll be amazed by what you can make at home.

10 Gift Ideas That Cost Almost Nothing

We all love to give gifts, but sometimes tight budgets make it difficult. Use these ideas to give thoughtful gifts without spending much — or any — money.

How to Become a Minimalist With Your Money

Money management have your head in a whirl? Try the minimalist approach instead.

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage

Ultimate Credit Card Perks Checklist: Benefits You Don't Know About

Learn secret credit card perks, including extended warranty and price protection with the ultimate credit card benefits checklist.

Take Our Reader Survey for a Chance to Win One of Five Amazon Gift Cards!

We’re looking for your feedback to help make our site better — and you could win a $200 Amazon gift card!

Flashback Friday: 34 Smart Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Want to make a good impression on the internet? Start by improving your presence on social media.