Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

FICO or FAKO: Are Free Credit Scores From Credit Cards the Real Thing?

Your credit card provider might offer your credit score —for free! — every month. Here's what you need to know about that complimentary number.

10 Things You Should Never Do After Getting a Raise

Congratulations on the raise — you earned it! Now keep it to yourself.

The 5 Best Eyelash Curlers

Keeping your eyelashes curled isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these eyelash curlers and your lashes will always look fab.

50+ Uses for Citrus Peels

Don't toss those citrus peels just yet! There are so many amazing ways to put them to good use.

6 Ways to Split the Bill Without Losing Friends

Having dinner with friends is always fun, but awkwardness ensues when the bill arrives. It doesn't have to be that way, though.

8 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Before you dive headfirst into owning a stock, do some digging on exactly where you're investing your dollars.

15 Halloween Costumes for People Who Hate Dressing Up

If you think dressing up is a drag but still need a get up for a costume party, consider one of these low-effort, high-reward "costumes."

8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills

Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.

10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds

Don't book another flight online until you've read this! It could save you a ton of money.

Ask the Readers: What Small Thing Brings You the Most Joy?

Tell us what small thing brings you the most joy and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

These 17 Companies Will Help You Repay Your Student Loan

Higher education comes at a cost. These companies get it, and they're helping employees pay down student debt one paycheck at a time.

How to Build Your Own Amortization Schedule

Looking for a dull, but financially eye-opening home project? Great! Today, we're going to build an amortization schedule. [more]

8 Personal Finance Tips for Introverts

Are you an introvert? If so, your inclinations to listening, thinking, and looking before leaping are well suited to earning, saving, and investing.

Repair the Car or Spend the Cash?

Your car has cosmetic damage after a crash. Do you get it repaired or use the insurance money for something else? There could be serious ramifications.

5 Things You Shouldn't Order on Amazon

Not so fast on that mouse-button, frequent Amazon shopper -- the ginormous Internet retailer doesn't always offer the best price. It still pays to shop around.

The Fastest Method to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Yes, you can get out of credit card debt — and faster than you think. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll chip away at that financial burden.

How an Exit Strategy Can Make You a Better Investor

We're all for buy and hold, but sometimes, it really does make sense to sell an investment. That's where an exit strategy comes in.

Front-loaded loans: a financial conspiracy?

A tip from Eric Fedewa sparked a discussion between Wise Bread bloggers (Andrea Dickson and me). He brought a new financial term (front-loading) to our attention that indicates how

14 Reasons Why an Accountant Is Worth the Money

From saving you money to keeping you out of Audit Land, an accountant or tax preparer is so worth the extra cost.

7 Places to Find Free or Cheap Groceries

Looking to dip your toe in the world of salvage groceries? Here are seven places to start sifting.