Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

14 Frugal Christmas Decorating Hacks

Deck your halls with frugal flair this year. Whether store-bought or DIY, you can save big on holiday decor if you start now.

Why You Should Allow Yourself Splurges

Do you sacrifice things you enjoy to save as much as possible? An occasional splurge is not such a bad thing, and it might even make you a better saver.

5 Effective Sleep Tips You Haven't Tried Yet

Tried every sleep aid out there? Here are 5 little known tips that work wonders for me.

4 Ways to Negotiate Credit Card Debt

Here's a secret not enough of us know: Everything is negotiable — even your credit card debt.

11 Money Habits That Make You Look Financially Immature

You're an adult. It's time to start acting like one with your money.

8 Places to Travel Where the Dollar Is Still Strong

The strength of the U.S. dollar is constantly changing, but in these travel destinations, it can go a long, long way.

Healthy Eating--It'll Cost You!

It's not easy eating green! With fresh foods at sky-high prices, what's a financially challenged yet socially conscious eater to do?

The 5 Best Anti-Itch Creams

Finding the right itch cream when your skin is irritated isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these five anti-itch creams and you can say goodbye to that itch.

Homebrewed Beer: Make Your Own and Save Money?

Can you save money by making your own beer? Is it worth the effort?

9 High-Paying Jobs That Didn't Exist 10 Years Ago

Modern technology might have eliminated lots of jobs, but it also created some great high-paying careers, too.

12 Ways to Rekindle Passion for Your Job

You once bounced into your new job like a kid entering Wonka's factory. Now, you can't wait to leave every day. Can you get it back? Yes you can.

5 Money Conversations Every Couple Should Have

Money may not buy happiness, but being honest and open about it can buy you a lot of relationship points.

6 Tools That Can Help You Boost Your Credit Score This Year

Boosting your credit score takes time and patience, but there are plenty of tools and apps to help you along the way.

The 5 Best Hair Serums

Keeping your hair shiny and healthy isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hair serums and your mane will stay magnificent.

10 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Credit Card Offer

It feels like we toss out unsolicited credit card offers every day. But what about when you actually want to accept one?

50 Things You Can Do Today Instead of Going Shopping

Resist the retail therapy urge and instead spend the day broadening your horizons, reconnecting with a friend, or participating in one of these 48 other pastimes.

When Should You Fire Your Real Estate Agent?

Lately several couples I know have been trying to purchase real estate, and it seems that none of them are too happy with their real estate agents. Some of them have been working w

Homebrewed Beer: The Results

Home-brewing can lead to better tasting and cheaper beer. What's not to like?

Build Your Own Furniture: 9 Helpful Tips For Non-Carpenters

It might seem intimidating, but it's totally possible for you to make your own furniture, even if you've barely wielded a hammer before. Learn how.

6 Moves You Should Make Now for Your 2018 Taxes

The end of the year is fast approaching. Take some time now to get your taxes in order and you'll thank yourself come April.