Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Fair Way to Split Up Your Family's Estate

A rock-solid will isn't only for your peace of mind — it's for your heirs' peace of mind, too.

Airline Credit Card or Flexible Rewards Card: What's the Best Way to Earn a Free Flight?

You can take to the skies for free with an airline credit card or a flexible rewards card. Which is right for you?

People Who Make a Lot of Money Do These 11 Things — Do You?

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. And if you imitate the right people, you might start earning more — a lot more.

15 Fantastic Chalkboard Paint Projects

From party favors to fridge and pantry organizers, these chalkboard paint projects will spiff up your space, and help you remember what's in it!

4 False Assumptions That Could Threaten Your Retirement Years

Are you heading for a rough retirement? If you're counting on these things in your golden years, you may be in for a rude awakening.

5 Latin American Markets to Watch

For those with a greater risk tolerance, growing Latin American economies offer opportunity. Is there room in your portfolio for a trip south?

25 Ways to Save $5 This Week

Small changes can make a big difference to your savings account. Jump-start your savings with these 25 easy ways to put away $5.

Living the Savvy Life: A Review

Whether you're a hardcore budgeter or getting your finances in order for the first time, this book can help you save money — and achieve your goals.

5 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Dropped Out of the Blue

Not sure why your credit score took a tumble? It might be one of these not-so-obvious reasons.

No Limit, No Interest: What’s the Deal with Charge Cards?

Charge cards, like their credit card cousins, allow cardholders to use plastic cards to make purchases and then pay at the end of a settlement period, typically on a monthly basis. [more]

Budgeting Hack: Gift Calendars

There is no quicker way to derail a decent budget than having to buy unexpected gifts. Learn how to make your own Gift Calendar so you can steer clear of the cash crunch, organize

5 Big Brands Making the World a Better Place

Next time you're ready to spend some cash, try shopping these brands. The dollars you spend there will go toward making the world a better place.

13 Hacks to Avoid Burnout at Work

Work will run you ragged, but you don't have to let it. Take control of your day — and take charge of avoiding burnout.

8 Great, Cheap Summer Vacations

Don't let your summer vacation empty your wallet. Whether you're looking for excitement or relaxation, try one of these frugal getaways.

Book review: Cash-Rich Retirement

Do you need a kick in the pants to get you saving for retirement?  Do you need someone to wave their arms and run around screaming that your whole future is at risk, in order to mo

5 Things to Avoid Before You File Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is trying enough already. Don't make it worse by making one of these mistakes.

25 Easy Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting

It's easy to get trapped in a humdrum routine. Shake things up with one or more of these simple activities, lessons, experiments, and adventures.

Translating Volunteer Experiences to Workplace Credentials

Need ideas for parlaying volunteer hours into skills and experiences valued by employers? Even if you haven’t received a paycheck in exchange for creative ideas, event planning, or

Here's What You Should Know About Bitcoin

Bitcoin — the online, electronic currency — has been in the news a lot lately, but it's still mysterious to most of us. Learn what it is and if it fits into your lifestyle.

4 Secrets to Eating Great Food for Cheap While Traveling

After lodging and airfare, food is the traveler's biggest expense. Cut the cost, eat well, and learn more about your hosts with these travel dining tips.