Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Do You Always Keep the Money You Find?

I am pretty short so I am close to the ground, and oftentimes I spot a coin or two and keep it. However, there are times when we find larger sums of money laying on the ground. W

How to Save on Babysitting Without Ending Up on the Local News

When babysitting rates hit $14 per hour — per kid! — it's time to think about cheaper (but safe) ways for parents to get stuff done and have fun.

21 Things That Young Adults Absolutely Need to Know About Money

While most colleges and universities offer personal finance courses, only a fraction of students sign up for them. It's time for a cram session.

The Cheapest Way to Fly to Europe

Not all frequent flyer rewards programs are created equal. Learn which programs offer the best deals on flights to Europe.

6 High-Tech Tools to Help Your Garden Grow

From identifying flowers to knowing the best time to plant those peas, bring your old-fashioned garden up to snuff with these six stellar tech tools.

25 Frugal Ways to "Pay It Forward"

Paying it forward — doing something nice for someone else — makes that person feel great AND improves your day. Here's how to do it frugally.

The 5 Best Kitchen Dish Towels

Keeping your dishes sparkly clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these kitchen dish towels and your dishes will stay forever flawless.

11 Signs the Job Is Too Good to Be True

If a job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Keep on the lookout for these sure signs of a shady job offer.

Why You Should Always "Get It in Writing"

"Get it in writing" may be the oldest piece of frugal living advice ever given. Learn why.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

What You Need to Know About the Easiest Way to Save for Retirement

Target-date funds are an easy way to "set and forget" your retirement savings. But they have a few downsides, too.

16 Festive Ways to Make Extra Money for the Holidays

For many the holidays mean more stress and more spending. For those with the entrepreneurial spirit, the holidays mean more cash.

When You Should and Shouldn't Rent

There are many great debates in the world: The chicken or the egg? John or Paul? Should you rent or not? This helps answer one of those.

7 Budget Items You May be Forgetting

Unexpected expenses are the worst. Get one step ahead by staying prepared for these sneaky budget busters and keep saving more.

What to Do With a Junk Car

Your junk car may not seem like it's worth anything, but there's value in almost everything. Before you drop your car off at the junkyard, consider these uses.

Living Without Air-Conditioning Can Save Big Bucks This Summer

Living in 90 degree weather with over 70 percent humidity the past few days has not been easy here in rural Nebraska. Hearing others complain about it only makes it worse -- especially knowing that they probably have air-conditioning. [more]

Charged With an Overdraft Fee? Get Your Money Back!

Get hit with a bank overdraft fee? Put on your negotiation face to remove that fee, and then follow this simple plan to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Favorite Cleaning Hack?

Tell us about your favorite cleaning hack and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Eat Like a King: Menus and Recipes for Royalty

You may not be royalty, but that doesn't mean you can't eat like a future king with these meal plans and recipes from five celebrated chefs.

8 Tips for Planning a Last-Minute Wedding

Not everyone has the luxury of time when it comes to weddings. Learn how to navigate the process in a hurry without sacrificing the joy or blowing the budget.