Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Frugal Drink Pairings for BYOB Restaurants

Bringing your own wine or beer can really help cut down on restaurant costs — but what if you don't know what to bring? Check out this pairing guide.

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

How to Make Money With Peer-to-Peer Lending Service Prosper

Unleash your inner banker with Prosper, the peer-to-peer lending service. Low investment minimums and a variety of risk thresholds make it easy.

I Hate My Job! Now What?

You hate your job, but what can you do about it? Learn how to survive at a job you hate, how to get out without hurting your career, and what you can do to not hate your next one.

How to Stick to Personal Deadlines

Missing a deadline at work has consequences. Missing a personal deadline should have consequences, too. Here's how to keep yourself on task.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Borrow From Your Retirement Account

You need quick money, and money is exactly what you have sitting in a retirement account. Is it okay to borrow from it?

6 Ways to Have a Great Late-Night Workout

Late at night may be the only time you have for a workout. To make it great (and still fall asleep on time) follow these suggestions.

Three Products That Rock My World

There are very few things that I have purchased that have actually made my life easier, but here are three items that I simply can't recommend enough. Share your best product recom

5 Signs You Were Raised by Parents With Bad Social Skills

Our parents teach us so much about how to live — for better or worse. If crowds aren't your thing, identify the signs and overcome your upbringing.

5 Simple Ways to Live Rent-Free

Housing isn't cheap, especially if you're broke. But with some creativity and some gumption, you can put a roof over your head for nothing.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

14 (Mostly) Frugal Valentine’s Day Recipes

Give your special someone the royal treatment the cheap way with this list of delicious and frugal Valentine's Day recipes.

Deal Killers: 5 Phrases to Avoid When Negotiating

Negotiating can sometimes be stressful, and that stress can make buyers and sellers say dumb things. Learn to score better deals by avoiding these phrases.

Revel in a corporation's misfortune - all Discovery Channel stores to close

I don't like to see good stores close. Especially an Aladdin's cave like The Discovery Store, which offers great educational toys and videos and is just a pleasure to walk around on a Saturday afternoon. [more]

Pay attention

Is there an amount of money that's too small to concern yourself with? People make that case, usually saying something like "Life is too short to waste time counting pennies." Th

4 Steps to Finding Your Mortgage Lender

Buying a new home? Finding the right lender could save you big.

How to Make the Most of Your 401K

Most of us have a 401k account with our employer. But there are people who've decided not to participate in their employer's retirement program for a variety of reasons. But imagi

Best Money Tips: These Bedtime Tips Will Boost Your Productivity

Today we found articles on bedtime tips to boost daytime productivity, how to save money on health care, and ways to invest in real estate.

7 Ways to Ace Your Next Phone Interview

You applied for the job. Your interview is next week — and it's over the phone. Don't treat this like a piece of cake. It's time to brush up.

How to Earn Money With Your Emergency Fund

Your emergency fund is always there for you. But if you're creative, you can also make it earn money for you.