Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Is This the Best Search Engine Ever for New & Used Cars?

The site is one I found quite by accident.The site is called It's only in Beta right now, but the results are a

5 Cheap Travel Destinations for Wine Lovers

See the world while sipping your favorite wines — all at a reasonable price. Cheers!

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

The stuff I try never to buy new

I don't like buying new. It's not that I consider myself to be some kind of Scrooge. I just have a hard time paying more for something than I need to, and often we take tha

How to Prevent a Drunken Online Shopping Spree

Hangovers are bad enough without realizing you also spent all your money on things you don't need.

Why I Choose to Rent Instead of Buy

Some say that homeownership is the smarter financial move, but for many folks, renting is just the better call.

The Ethics of Free: Is it Wrong to Get Free Stuff?

The problem with free is that it doesn't mean something is really free. It just means that someone else has paid for the product or service instead of you.

The 7 Dumbest Big Purchases People Make

Remember when 3D TVs were all the rage? Sometimes even smart people make bad purchasing decisions. Consider that and six other doozies.

9 Things You Don't Need to Clean

If you're looking to shorten your cleaning to-do list, experts say you'll be fine — or even better off — by not cleaning these commonly cleaned things.

Here's What the Successful Use of Secured Credit Cards Looks Like

A secured credit card offers many benefits — if you know how to use them! Make the most of your secured card to rebuild credit faster.

5 Creative Ways to Relieve Stress During Tax Season

Tax season can be a major source of stress, but here's how to make it a little more relaxing.

Who saves money when you pick apples? The grower.

You won't save money picking your own apples at most U-pick orchards these days -- but you might save the orchard. We went to the country to get our own apples for $10 a pound,

Ask the Readers: Who Is Your Personal Finance Role Model?

Tell us about your personal finance role model is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Ways to Keep Boredom from Destroying Your Budget

When there's nothing to do, it’s tempting to fill that void with something that costs money. Learn how to avoid those budget-busting boredom traps.

Wanna Put Away Some Cash? Take A Vacation!

A cruise to the Bahamas or a trip to that luxury spa aren’t going to get you ahead financially. However, if you’re looking to sock away a coupl

Ask the Readers: How Do You Fight the Afternoon Slump?

Tell us how you fight the afternoon slump and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

15 Questions You Should Always Ask at the End of a Job Interview

You got the interview. You nailed the questions. Now, it's time to fire back a few questions of your own.

7 Great Sources of Financial Aid for Switching Careers

Higher education doesn't have to be out of reach. With these grants, scholarships, and fellowships, you can afford to train for a brighter future.

The Many Benefits of DIY

Learning how to "do it yourself" doesn't just save you save from hiring someone. Discover how DIY can improve your finances, friendships, and more.

The Best Credit Cards for Back to School Shopping

The right credit card can mean big savings for your back to school shopping. These are the best ones to use for this fall.