Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Things Americans Were Better at in the 1950s Than Today

Americans used to be so good at basic skills — like saving money. Things have gone a bit downhill since the 1950s.

Do You Know Your Retirement "Number"?

You might think you know the amount of money you'll need for a comfortable retirement — but you could be basing that off the wrong number.

Little Known Trick to Getting Exclusive Travel Discounts and Rewards

Get more discounts and savings for travel when you use credit card websites.

10 Serious Health Benefits of Laughter

From improved lung function to a fitter midsection, a hearty laugh offers plenty of unexpected health benefits. No joke!

Here's How Too Many Decisions Costs You Money

Decisions, decisions — making too many can wear you out, and cause you to make some bad ones.

7 Fun Podcasts for Kids (That Parents Love, Too)

These podcasts promote listening skills and give kids a much-needed break from their screens. You could use a break, too!

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation

Go ahead, Google yourself. Whether you like the results or don't, you have to take steps to protect your online rep.

Making the most of your guilty pleasures

I've been trying to come up with a way to articulate the mental shift from being not-frugal to being frugal. It's not really about wanting to spend less, and it's certainly not about making do with less. [more]

Alcohol is good for your heart

After quitting smoking, having one or two drinks a day is the best single thing you can do for your cardiovascular health. [more]

Smart Shopping: Guide to Researching a Purchase

Need help making sure you're not making a purchase you'll regret? Follow these simple guidelines to make sure you wind up a happy, satisfied customer.

Creating a Financial Plan: Highlights from Our Chat with Money Smart Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Money Smart Week on creating a financial plan!

From Dumpster Diving to Garage Sales, Turning Trash Into Cash

Learn how one dedicated recycler earned $1,200, paid her tuition, repaired her furniture, and financed her wedding with discarded stuff she found.

16 Ways to Kick-Start Frugality

You don't have to change your whole life to start saving more and spending less. Start with one of these doable challenges and goals, and frugal it up from there.

Does Your Kid Need an IRA?

Ready to give your child a mega financial jumpstart? Consider opening them a Roth IRA.

7 Nutrients You Need More Of

The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans identified a handful of vitamins and minerals Americans weren't getting enough of. What are these seven nutrients, exactly?

Should You Pay Your Student Loans With Credit Cards?

You can use a credit card to pay for just about everything — even other loan payments. But there's a catch.

13 Creative Ways to Avoid Spending Money

You're trying to stick to your budget, but it's really hard to stop spending! Resist the urge to spend with these 13 tricks of the tight-fisted.

Zooey Deschanel Never Pays Late Fees and 5 Other Smart Money Lessons From Celebrities

You don't have to be a spendthrift just because you're rich and famous. Here's how six super thrifty celebs get by.

Think Twice Before Ditching Your Current Bank

Choosing quality over customer loyalty can be a big decision when it comes to your bank and personal finance goals. Here are some tips for making the decision to switch.

6 Simple Seafood Appetizers to Impress Your Guests

Appetizers with an ocean flair are great for putting on the ritz at your next party (and we're not talking about the cracker).