Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways Your Credit Card Benefits Will Save You Money

Read the fine print on your credit card agreement, and you may be surprised at all the ways your account can save you money. Wait! What?

7 Things the Craziest Christmas Fanatics Do

It's easy to get caught up in the spirit of the season. Too easy, in fact, for these holiday celebrants who take holiday excess to excess.

8 Dangerous Mistakes Even Safe Drivers Make

Even good drivers can develop bad habits behind the wheel. Are you guilty of any of these common operator errors?

20 Hiking Hacks to Take to the Trail This Summer

Before you hit the dusty trail, you should know a thing or two — or 20 — about having a safe and enjoyable hike.

11 Things You Can Do on Your Lunch Break to Change Your Life

After you finish stuffing your face at your desk, instead of returning to work (or Facebook), spend a few minutes focused on improving you.

Awesome Accomplishments: 50+ Questions to Ask Yourself and Figure Out What You've Done

Figuring out what you've accomplished at work is essential to demonstrating your value to employers. Here are 50+ questions to jumpstart the process of articulating awesome accompl

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

Making Your First Paycheck Work for You

Getting your first post-graduation paycheck can be exciting and unnerving. Find ways to fully support yourself -- either immediately or sometime in the future -- and b

10 Big Expenses You Can Easily Get Rid Of

The 80/20 rule applies to budgeting, too — 80% of your spend goes to 20% of your expenses. If you can cut those big costs, the savings are big, too.

6 Lessons on How to Be a Financial Grownup From Bobbi Rebell

How can you tell when you've become a financial grownup? Author Bobbi Rebell asks icons of the finance world to share their stories.

How to Help Your Parents Retire

Your parents have given you so much in life. Pay it forward by helping them plan their best retirement.

5 Kinds of Emails to Purge From Your Inbox

A cluttered inbox is just like a cluttered desk — bad for your productivity and your peace of mind. Stop hanging onto those old messages now!

How to Invest If You're Worried About a Stock Market Crash

Market fear is hard to shake. If you're afraid a crash is coming, you should keep on investing; here's how.

8 Traits of People Who Live Debt-Free

Debt-free folks have a lot in common. If you adopt some of their habits, you can live debt-free, too.

Start Investing Today: Acorns Lets You Invest Your Change While You Shop

What if you were able to automatically invest some money, every day, in small stress-free amounts? Could investing be that simple? Yep. Just sign up for Acorns.

Psychology and Loans: The Strange Reasons Why You Make Bad Decisions

You might think that when it comes to big financial decisions, you only make logical, rational decisions. But research suggests that you don't.

How to Stop the Takeout Meal Cycle and Save

Takeout is tempting, but it's wreaking havoc on your savings. Stop the cycle with some savvy shopping and a little planning.

How to Save 10-20% on Online Purchases, Every Day

You don't have to be an extreme couponer to find great deals online. Learn how to get major discounts on online purchases, every day.

7 Homemade Pet Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Save money and keep your pets healthy and happy with pet gear you make at home for cheaper.

How (and Why) to Help Your Parents Pay Off Their Mortgage

Many parents find themselves saddled with a mortgage well into retirement. Learn how to help your folks pay off theirs without taking on the debt yourself.