Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 ways Star Wars can inspire you to save money.

Ok, so I admit it; I’m a Star Wars geek (although I’m certainly not alone). I was watching my favorite of the original trilogy last night, The Empire Strikes Back, when I had an ep

15 Surprising Facts About Income Tax

From the first recorded income tax to the popular teenage job that's filled with tax-evaders, prepared to be shocked, awed, and informed by these income-tax facts.

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

Is an All-Cash Diet Right for You?

Budget in the red again? Quell your craving to overspend with plastic with an all-cash diet instead.

10 Fantastic Facts About Eggs

You know that they're edible; now learn why these frugal sources of protein are incredible.

The 5 Best Snow Shovels

Removing piles of snow while braving the chill of winter isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these snow shovels and you can clear your driveway or walkway in a flash.

The 5 Best Camera Bags

Lugging your camera and camera accessories everywhere you go isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these camera bags and your camera will be protected at all times.

Yes, You Need "Fun Money" in Your Budget

Being frugal doesn't mean kissing fun goodbye. In fact, you should be budgeting for it!

How to Make Your Sluggish Workday Go (a Lot) Faster

When's it gonna be done o'clock already? Make the long workday hours go a lot faster with some shortcuts, treats, and fun ways to be productive.

The Secret Flight Search Site Savvy Travelers Use

ITA Flight Matrix might be the best flight search service you've never heard of. Learn how to use it to find the cheapest airfare anywhere.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Life Before the End of the Year

There's still plenty of time left before New Year's to make this the best year ever!

20 amazing, outrageous and just plain weird tax deductions

Well, it's that time again. The tax deadline is just around the corner. If you still haven't done your return, take a look at the top 20 funky, strange and outrageous deductions

8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem

Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

15 Easy and Delicious Ice Cream Substitutes

Few things satisfy a sweet tooth (but sabotage a waistline) quite like ice cream. Skip the guilt and try these delicious, healthy alternatives.

4 Financial Reasons to Keep Your Political Views Private

These days, sharing political views is as easy as hitting "Enter." But the aftermath can be much greater than a heated debate.

12 House-Hunting Red Flags You Can't Ignore

From strange smells to wacky wiring, you shouldn't ignore these house-hunting red flags. Read on for 10 more.

12 Ways You're Driving Your Coworkers Insane

Make work easier on you and your colleagues by avoiding these nasty, annoying habits at the office.

6 Things to Do on Your First Day at a New Job

Your resume worked, you wowed 'em at the interview, and today's the day. Continue the run by mastering these secrets of first day on the job success.

The Simple Way to Save Enough Money for Your Dream Goals

Stop dreaming about a house, a car, or a wonderful vacation. Make those big purchases real with this simple long-term savings strategy.