Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

11 Food Additives You're Probably Eating Every Day (and What They Do)

It's almost impossible to avoid these 11 food additives in a modern, processed-food diet. Learn what else is in your food besides food.

The 5 Best Coloring Pencils

Add a little color into your life with the right art supplies. Use any of these coloring pencils and brighten the pages in front of you.

10 Cheap Ways to Make Your Apartment Awesome (Without Losing Your Deposit)

Upgrade a drab apartment with some clever, frugal design ideas that won't leave a mark, so you can leave with your deposit.

10 Ways to Save Cash by Purging Your Place of Plastics

If your home is like most, it is filled with plastics. Start replacing with longer lasting — and often more economical — substitutes.

5 Resources to Help Moms Jump Start Their Online Career

Here are just a few of our top picks from a recent My Life Scoop article listing the tools that every mom should refer to when creating a biz online.

5 Money Problems You Can Solve With a Good Attitude

Money cannot buy happiness; but can happiness create wealth? Well, with a good attitude, you really can solve many of life's financial problems.

6 Ways to Monitor Your Brand on Twitter

If your brand is mentioned on Twitter, but you're not there to hear it, did that brand mention really benefit your business?

Why Scientists Say You Should Be Committing the 7 Deadly Sins

Sloth, Pride, Gluttony — go for it! It turns out that sinning — in moderation — is probably actually good for you.

How to Stop Worrying

Worrying is a natural response to stress, but not a productive one. Learn how to deal with worry and free your mind to tackle bigger problems.

Investing With Your Values

Sure, you recycle. But are you investing in companies that trash the planet? Here's how to find out whether your investments line up with your ideals.

How to Give Thoughtful Gifts on a Scrooge-Like Budget

If you have a lot of gifts to give during the holidays, it can be tough enough to give personal gifts, let alone stay on budget. Use these tips to do both.

5 Reasons Your Customers Aren't Using Your Website

Make it easy for your customers to get what they want from your website or your competitors will.

Job Hunting Resources

The job search process is never easy, but there are ways to improve your chances of landing a job.

The 5 Best Pocket Knives

You never know when you might need a knife handy. These pocket knives are foldable and easy to keep on you at all times.

I’ll Finish This Post Tomorrow: 10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination generally isn't helpful. It's a time suck. And heck, a lot of the time, it isn't even fun. Here's how to get what you need to do done.

15 Grilled Veggie Dishes That Hold Their Own With Meat

If you're like most, a backyard grill-out just isn't right unless there's a big slab of meat. These fresh grilled veggies will change your mind.

What Is Your Time Worth?

If a top hedge fund manager takes out his garbage, you could say that it cost him more than $100,000. What is your time worth?

Germ Killin' Machine

Guarding against germs doesn't have to be a chemical-filled experience. To get rid of germs in your kitchen sponge (and there ARE germs in you kitchen sponge), do the following: [more]

Voluntary simplicity as hedonism

When people talk about voluntary simplicity (or living a frugal lifestyle under any of its many names), they often do so in terms of deprivation. The descriptions are all about doing without stuff. To me, that's completely wrong. [more]

After Your Wedding, Say Yes to Selling the Dress

If you're still paying for your wedding after the big day (or you just want some extra cash), selling your dress can help offset costs. Here's how.