Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Mexican Meals Under $2

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share some amazing Mexican meals for under $

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Three Lessons About Saving One Husband Learned in a Year

Max's Mr. Spendypants has learned his own share of frugal living lessons during Max's savings challenge year.

9 Affordable Travel Items That You Shouldn't Leave Home Without

We're all for packing light, but you definitely shouldn't leave home without these awesome, affordable travel products.

When Interest Rates Head Up

It doesn't take any skill at prognostication to make this forecast: Interest rates are heading up. For one thing, they can't go any lower.

If You're Eating These 6 Things, Your "Diet" Is Doing Nothing

If you're trying to lose weight and still eat these six foods, it's time to rethink your diet.

Best Money Tips: 12 Surprising Lottery Facts

Today we found articles on lottery facts that may surprise you, mind and behavioral tricks that help you save, and how to upcycle an old filing cabinet into garden storage.

10 Unprofessional Habits That Could Kill Your Career

Leave your foul mouth and ripped jeans at home. You're killing your career!

Lessons Learned from New Year's Eves Gone Wrong

Benefit from my mistakes, and follow these tips to have a great New Year's Eve.

January: The Perfect Maintenance Month

Recently I learned several annual money-saving maintenance tips. All it took was a little snooping around my husband.

Do You Have Any of These 4 Most Irrational Fears?

What are you afraid of? If you're like a lot of other scaredy-cats, it's probably clowns.

These 7 Companies Have the Craziest Employee Perks

Our employers give most of us a paycheck, health care, paid vacation — and that's about it. A lucky few of us also get flying lessons. Wait, what?

Best Money Tips: Winning Habits of Successful People

Today we found some amazing articles on winning habits of successful people, saving money on transportation costs, and workplace perks for new parents.

How to Make Your Own Popcorn

From butter-drenched microwaved kernels to old-fashioned stovetop kettle corn, here's how to make your own popped snack at home.

How to Structure Merit Raises and Bonuses for Employees

Lead your employees and reward them for their efforts in a natural way.

8 Savings Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the best savers among us sometimes slip up, but if you can avoid these common savings mistakes and your money will grow and grow.

Mr. Cheap Stuff: Who do you think you are?

We're chatting with Dean Takamine, the savvy saver behind Mr. Cheap Stuff. Here's the low-down on his love of deals!

Online outlets

Some of the fondest shopping memories of my childhood involve outlet malls. The sheer number of stores managed to be exciting, enticing and overwhelming, all at the same time. [more]

How to Get Through a Tough Financial Emergency

Few things feel worse than dire money emergencies. You can get through it — stay calm, prioritize, and bounce back stronger than before.

XM satellite radio/car combo for under $6 and free shipping!

Quick deal for you folks, and a sweet one too. [more]

Junk Mail revenge part 1 - Make fast cash reselling junk mail.

If you're anything like me, you hate opening your mailbox to see a whole pile of junk mail waiting for you. [more]