Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

80 Small Business Twitterers You Should Be Following

Twitter is one of the best places to network and discover new business insights. We've compiled a list of some of the best and brightest minds in the small business Twitterspher

Best Money Tips: 5 Things That Can Kill Your Career

Today we found articles on things that can kill your career, tips for a happy retirement, and a recipe for an all-natural nighttime mosquito repellent.

14 Travel Hacks and Airfare Saving Tips

Traveling for business can be a costly proposition. Following are some travel hacks and airfare saving tips to keep your business travel expenses low.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways to Save $1 Million

Today we found articles on ways to save $1 million, things that every frugal person needs in their wallet, and how to start living like a minimalist.

Netflix Pricing Changes: What Now?

Netflix has raised its rates over 70% in the past year. As media prices keep increasing, there are other entertainment options (and concerns) to consider.

Welcome Janet Al-Saad, Wise Bread's New Senior Editor

Wise Bread is growing, and we're expanding our team to help bring our message of financial wisdom to an even larger audience. Help us welcome our new Senior Editor, Janet Al-Saad.

4 Great Investments That Sounded Really Stupid in the 2000s

It's easy to make the right investments in hindsight. It's also easy to kick yourself for not taking the plunge when you should have.

Easter Eggs Aren't Only For Easter

Easter Eggs -- inside jokes, hidden messages, secret bonuses -- reward customers who pay attention to your products and services. They reward you by coming back for more.

Best Money Tips: Tips for an Ultra-Productive Day

Today we found some great articles on tips to have an ultra-productive day, how to free up space on your iPhone, and amazing ways to save money at Target.

Get Help With Your Underwater Bank of America Mortgage

Bank of America is forgiving up to $100,000 in mortgage principal for select borrowers. Find out if you qualify for this new program.

Don't Overpay While Driving - Put Down Your Cell and Save $101

My home state of Washington is set to require, by law, that drivers who want to yack on the cell phone use a hands-free set or earpiece. [more]

Best Money Tips: 31 Household Products You're Underusing

Today we found great articles on the household products you’re underusing, mini habits of insanely successful people, and tips to snag a higher salary at your first job.

Charitable Giving: Give in Order to Receive

The idea of giving away what you have especially if you don't have much is a tough one to wrap your head around. But if you truly want to be rich (both literally and figu

Best Money Tips: Cheap Substitutions for Pricey Ingredients

Today we found cheap substitutions for pricey ingredients, tips for saving money at the farmers market, and Halloween freebies and deals.

Ask the Readers: Do You Use Groupon?

Tell us whether or not you use Groupon for a chance to win 1 of 3 $20 Amazon gift certificates!

Gas Is High Enough….

Watching my local newscast a few nights ago, I was disturbed by the assumption that the anchor made regarding rising gas prices and consumer reaction.

Why I Love Lists

Need to get something done, feel productive, or just get focused? Make a list!

Why invest in the stock market?

The conventional reason for investing in the stock market--perhaps offered with a bit less confidence now that we're in the midst of a stock market crash--is, "It offers higher ret

Best Money Tips: Traits that Multi-Millionaires Share

Today we found the traits that multi-millionaires share, over a hundred small ways to save big, and steps you can take to reduce food waste.

Scams: What the FTC Wants You to Know

Consumer scams are a dime a dozen (or in some cases, thousands of dollars a crime). What are the red flags that you should always be on alert for? Can even financially savvy spen