Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Rebel with a Cause: ING Direct CEO Arkadi Kulhmann Talks Shop

According to Arkadi Kuhlmann, CEO and President of ING Direct and author of "The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a Rebel with a Cause", credit cards are the opium of

Look Out Consumers: Debt Collections Get Scarier

While consumers already have to be on constant alert about so many things involving their personal finances, there are still those that find ways to take advantage of a bad situati

Your Guide to Getting a Job Right Out of College

Getting a job straight out of college may seem impossible, but if you take some smart steps early, you'll improve your odds of landing a gig.

Best Money Tips: Secrets of Successful Side-Hustlers

Today we found some awesome articles on secrets of successful side-hustlers, tips for new taxpayers, and hacks to help keep your resolutions.

You Are Too Busy: Stop!

When you're really busy — too busy — everything suffers, including your health and your family life. Slow down so you can keep going.

Ask the Readers $200 Giveaway: What is Your Top Question About Personal Finance?

Tell us your top question about personal finance and we'll enter you in a drawing to win $200 in Amazon Gift Cards!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/6, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Sports! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

A Society of Fear

Society has been organized to make the wage slave/debt slave trap the default path for almost everyone.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Treat Yourself

Today we found some fantastic articles on cheap ways to treat yourself, chanves to 2013 tax returns, and establihsing a difficult but rewarding habit.

6 Reasons to Visit Your Credit Union on October 20

October 20, 2016 is International Credit Union Day! Why not stop by your local branch and find out if a credit union is right for you?

Book Review: The Trap

For more than two years now writing at Wise Bread, my whole thesis has been that frugality leads to freedom—if you can live cheaply enough, you can choose whatever work calls you,

4 Easy-to-Fix Reasons Your Savings Account Isn't Growing

Don't get frustrated by a stunted savings account. Make these moves instead to help your money grow.

You've Been Saving Money All Wrong. Here's Why

Saving money doesn't have to mean living like a monk. Understand the right and the wrong ways to feather your nest egg.

15 Money-Saving Tips Every Parent Should Know

Parents today will spend almost a quarter of a million dollars raising a child to age 18. Trim that cost with these easy money savers.

Best Money Tips: Master These Money Skills Before Your 30s

Today we found articles on money management skills that you should master before your 30s, habits of successful introverts, and superfoods for healthy eating in the winter.

6 Things That Seem Like Splurges But Are Actually Savvy Buys

Sometimes spending more for "wasteful" products or services turns out to be the best value — in dollars and sense.

Wise Bread Reloaded: Late Summer Grilling

Take a step back to summer's past for great grilling recipes tips and tricks you can enjoy in the waning weekends of summer present.

Best Money Tips: Great Travel Freebies You Can Get in 2017

Today we found articles on great travel freebies, household items that you can use to spring clean your home, and awesome alternatives to pet ownership.

The Worst Holiday Credit Cards

How many frequent flyer miles does a Santa Air card get? Not many. Here are three credit cards you don’t want in your wallet this holiday shopping season.

Never Use Cash for These 11 Things

Living the cash-only lifestyle can be good for your budget — except when it isn't. Learn why some purchases are best made on credit.