If you're looking for a way to get out of debt fast, a spending fast might be right for you. Discover this somewhat extreme (but very effective) technique.
So, I can think of a few ways to turn a $1 into a $100 bill in a few minutes.
One would be to back a winning horse that has ridiculous odds. Another is to steal it. You could always ask your kind folks or other relatives for the money. [more]
It's time once again for our linky love-fest.
Jessica's post about security briefs got a lot of people thinking about where to stash their cash.
Will caught the eye of It's Electric with his post about your chances of getting audited by the IRS.
Are prefabbed homes the wave of the future? Judging from some of the magazines that I receive (Sunset, Metropolitan Home), it sure looks like things are heading in that direction. [more]
In these days of mass-production and Wal-Mart's low prices and lower standards, it's great to see handmade artifacts making a comeback. Today, my wife introduced me to a site that is a meeting-place for buying and selling wonderful handmade items. [more]
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
10 Unique Garden Containers and Techniques
Whether you have a big yard plot or a tiny windowsill, start your garden with one of these frugal, eco-friendly garden ideas.
5 Ways to Profit From Legal Marijuana
Capitalize on the changing times, and make some green on the greenest growth industry there is — legal marijuana.
FREE DVD - Pirates 2 or Cars.
Ok, this one is for all you Wisebread readers with a sense of humor and a few empty spaces in your DVD collection. [more]
How to Do a Spending Fast in 16 (Easy!) Steps
If you're looking for a way to get out of debt fast, a spending fast might be right for you. Discover this somewhat extreme (but very effective) technique.
Best Money Tips: 9 Money-Saving Food Hacks
Today we found some great articles on food hacks that can save you money, healthy habits that make you feel amazing, and tips to nail any interview.
5 Financial Risks Worth Taking
It can be hard to put our money "at risk." It can be even riskier not to.
Turn $1 into $100 in about 2 minutes.
So, I can think of a few ways to turn a $1 into a $100 bill in a few minutes. One would be to back a winning horse that has ridiculous odds. Another is to steal it. You could always ask your kind folks or other relatives for the money. [more]
Ask These 8 Questions to Get a Better Price
A little haggling can go a long way, especially if you ask the right questions. Try these and save some extra cash!
Our Lovely Lady Links
It's time once again for our linky love-fest. Jessica's post about security briefs got a lot of people thinking about where to stash their cash. Will caught the eye of It's Electric with his post about your chances of getting audited by the IRS. [more]
Best Money Tips: Make Groceries Last Longer
Today we found some fantastic articles on making groceries last longer, ways to make extra money this summer, and saving on entertainment.
10 Things You Should Always Buy and Sell on eBay
Whether you're searching for a rarity or cleaning out the closets, eBay is the place to go — as long as you know what moves and why.
Prefab Fab - This ain't yer grandma's double-wide
Are prefabbed homes the wave of the future? Judging from some of the magazines that I receive (Sunset, Metropolitan Home), it sure looks like things are heading in that direction. [more]
Best Money Tips: Improve Your Resume With Travel
Today we found some awesome articles on improving your resume with travel, avoiding using your emergency fund, and affordable presents for dad.
14 Free or Cheap Toys That Will Make Your Kid Smarter
Make learning fun with these easy, affordable, and adorable DIY toys — your kids will love them and so will your budget.
Sell handmade goods, buy cheap handmade goodies.
In these days of mass-production and Wal-Mart's low prices and lower standards, it's great to see handmade artifacts making a comeback. Today, my wife introduced me to a site that is a meeting-place for buying and selling wonderful handmade items. [more]
The Straight Talk on Working From Home
Working from home has its perks, but it's definitely not for everyone. Learn the truth, and then decide if you REALLY want to work from home.
7 Things Successful Millennials Do
Today's twenty-somethings face their own set of financial and career challenges, but the path to success has been the same for generations.
Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them
Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.
9 Easy, Frugal, and Tasty Recipes for Bachelors
Just because you're a bachelor doesn't mean you have to dine like one. Instead, whip up these delicious, easy-to-make, and inexpensive recipes.
4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Gift Cards
Ah, the simple gift card — what did we do before them? Whether you're the gifter or the giftee, here's how to wring every cent out of them.