Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Do You Attend Networking Events?

Tell us if you attend networking events and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Crucial Things Homebuyers Overlook at Open Houses

Know the difference between the things that matter and those that don't, when looking at an open house.

50 Fun Things to Do When You're Stuck Inside During Winter

Snowed in or rained out — again? Stave off cabin fever with this collection of creative, fun, and frugal indoor activities.

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!)

For the last five years, one writer has traveled full-time on the cheap. Discover how she did it, and how you can too.

Buy a drink, get a free Whopper - every single day?

Did your mom always nag you to keep your receipts? [more]

What Is a Good Credit Score and Why Is It Important?

Credit scores can be confusing. Make sure you understand how they work and how to get a good credit rating.

6 Steps to Avoiding Credit Card Debt Over the Holidays

Follow these six steps and your holiday season will be credit card debt-free.

Ask the Readers: What New Skill Would You Like to Learn?

Tell us about a new skill you would like to learn and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Is Long Term Care Insurance Worth It?

Nursing homes aren't cheap. Long-term care insurance may be one way to help afford your future senior care.

What Happens to a Student Credit Card After You Graduate?

Getting a credit card in college is a great way to build credit when you're young. But what should you do with the card after you graduate?

How to Make Sense of the Different Parts of Medicare

Medicare is complicated. Let's break down all its moving parts.

How to Avoid Getting Your Credit Card Canceled

Find out why your credit card could be canceled on you without notice, and tips to help avoid it.

8 Ways Social Media Tricks You Into Spending More

Scrolling through your Instagram might seem harmless — until you've spent $300 on skin care from a brand you've never heard of.

5 Ways Self Storage Units Are More Sad Museums Than Savvy Solutions

This week I did an intervention on Sarah, one of my dearest friends. Sarah has a substance abuse problem -- but not with drugs. Sarah has a problem with self storage.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

How to Protect Elderly Loved Ones From Financial Scams

Don't let con artists prey on your elderly loved ones. You can help protect them, and their money, from financial predators.

The Best Age to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance

If you want to buy long-term care insurance, don't wait until it's too late.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Holiday Shortcuts?

Tell us about your holiday shortcuts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Ways New College Grads Can Build Credit

Entering the real world involves making big financial choices, and those choices will be easier once you start building credit.

It's Your Last Chance to Claim These 8 Tax Deductions

Tax Day 2018 is a big one; this will be your last chance to claim these major tax deductions.