Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What can you do with $13 extra a week?

On Friday both the House and the Senate passed a new $789 billion stimulus package as a continuation of the efforts by the United States Government to jumpstart the economy. A sig

New Mac minis: Beware small gains at a big price!

Are you interested in a new Mac mini? Read this first: be informed about which upgrades don't make sense and what to do about it.

Best Money Tips: Online Learning

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips. This week, we have notes on snagging a blogging gig, identity theft protection and help links, get ripped like Bruce Lee, and more, all

10 Reasons Why I Prefer Credit Cards Over Cash

You can call this a defense of the maligned credit card. There are a lot of people out there who are very distrustful of credit cards and the companies that offer them, no thanks t

11 Things That Are Worth the Money

Even when you're cutting back, making room in your budget for these 11 things will help ensure a happy, healthy life.

Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro webcam: why doesn't 4 stars tell the full story?

At first glance, a product looks great and inspires your confidence with its marketing blurbs and dozens of favorable user reviews. But criticism and complaints point to deeper pro

Summer Camp as a Side Business

My tween son went to a Lego camp this summer so that he could learn robotics, something I wasn’t sure I could teach him since his technical skills typically surpass mine. My initia

The Secrets of History's Most Successful Savers

Today's extreme couponers have nothing on these famous savers. Improve your savings strategies with some tips from history's greatest money hoarders.

8 Ways to Buy Organic and Still Be Frugal

Organic food and produce usually comes at a premium, but with some smart shopping, you don't have to spend your whole paycheck to get it.

9 Frugal Winter Activities to Keep Kids Busy During Holiday Break

The kids are home for the holidays! But can you keep them entertained without busting your budget? You sure can!

10 Cheap Ways to Make Your Apartment Awesome (Without Losing Your Deposit)

Upgrade a drab apartment with some clever, frugal design ideas that won't leave a mark, so you can leave with your deposit.

8 Misleading Gadget Marketing Gimmicks

Before you go out and buy the latest tech gadgets, be wary of those that don't live up to the hype.

Giving Away Your Business? Now’s the Time to Do It!

If you're planning on leaving your business to your children or family, favorable, and perhaps fleeting, tax rules make 2011 a good year to get started.

5 Ways a Side Hustle Can Further Your Career

A side hustle is great for extra income. Be sure to grab the other extras it brings, too, like new skills and opportunities for your "real" career.

The 5 Best Car Camping Tents

Camping comfortably isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these tents to take on your car camping trip and your family will be nice and cozy.

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

5 Affordable Solutions for Acid Reflux Disease

There are a number of ways to treat GERD. Here are some of the most affordable.

25 Ways to Have Cheap Summer Fun

From picnics and photography to movies, magic, and even massages, discover 25 great ways to have cheap (or free!) summer fun.

Frayed Relationships, Damaged Credit, and Costly Additions — What a Multi-Generational Home Might Cost You

Multiple generations living under one roof is becoming more common. Keep the family peace by planning for some of the potential pitfalls.

Nobody walks in LA - or anywhere!

There's a saying that no one ever walks anywhere in Los Angeles. Apparently, that idea has been imported to where I live. Now if only we could get a King Taco. I just started up a contracting job with a little company named Microsoft. [more]