Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Can Saying Thanks More Make You Rich?

We all know saying "thank you" is polite. But true gratitude can actually make your finances (and life!) a little sunnier.

8 Questions to Always Ask Yourself Before Making a Big Purchase

Avoid buyer's remorse later — and keep more of your money now — by checking in with yourself before you spend on costlies.

For Love or Money: Must It Be One or the Other?

A recent Wise Bread article explored whether the career advice “do what you love” is idealistic or sensible. I don’t see it as black or white; this article examines a few x-factors

Best Money Tips: Don't Fall for These Black Friday Myths

Today we found articles on major Black Friday myths that retailers want you to fall for, ways to avoid paying bank fees, and things that we’ve been doing wrong all our lives.

The 5 Best Water Flossers

Keeping your teeth and gums clean isn't always quick and easy, but it can be. Use any of these water flossers and your smile will sparkle.

Fast Food, Slow Food, and Your Dollars at Work

Trying to eat well while spending less is a tough balancing act. However, buying more expensive food today may save you money in the long term.

9 Travel Expenses You Forgot to Budget For

These often-overlooked travel expenses can eat right through your budget. Keep your eyes open for these nefarious fees.

Are You Being Had? Learn From 5 Crazy Ponzi Schemes

Amazingly, these schemes were all real. Thankfully, they also all offer real lessons on how to avoid losing your shirt.

Just Saving More Is Not the Answer

Whenever I write about calculating how much money you need to retire, some people disagree strongly with the whole idea that there is such a figure. One told me, "The only correct

5 Myths About Credit Cards That Won't Go Away

Credit cards have been around for a long time now — and so have all these myths about paying with plastic.

Cheap Smartphones: Which Ones Are Worth It?

Think getting a smartphone means shelling out hundreds of dollars? Nope. Check out the new crop of inexpensive, well-functioning smartphones.

5 Romantic, Inexpensive Anniversary Celebrations

A frugal approach to relationship anniversaries can still spur fun and spark romance. Try one of these creative and inexpensive ideas.

Best Money Tips: What to Check When You're Booking an Airbnb

Today we found articles on what you should check before booking an Airbnb, how to find your own network without networking, and mortgage mistakes to avoid.

Flashback Friday: 88 Easy Ways to Get More Exercise

Working out consistently isn't easy, but it can be. Especially when exercise becomes almost effortless.

How to Score More Loyalty Perks From Your Credit Card Company

Savvy consumers haggle their way to cheaper utility and Internet bills. Do the same with your credit cards and you'll pay less interest and fees.

15 Ways to Gain More Confidence Today

Feeling blah? Down on yourself? Plain-old crummy? If you need a pick-me-up, follow these suggestions for a quick confidence boost.

Best Money Tips: Financial Tips for Families

Today we found some great articles on financial tips for families, how to negotiate rent in your current apartment, and tips for packing work lunches.

Local Flavor

It was time again to stock up on some things, and so this past weekend I went to my usual places: the fish market in Pyrmont (where one employee asked me how work was going since t

Quick travel ideas

So, I'm finishing up at my old job this week and things are crazy. Thus, I offer you some of the best travel tips that just might save you some money.

10 Negotiable Ways To a Fatter Wallet

Growing up in a typical small Jewish family, I assumed everyone knew the I’m-smart-but-not-cheap tactics I was raised with. But as I’ve gotten older (yeah, it had to happen sometim