Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Avoid These 5 Common Gym Budget Busters

That gym membership may be burning a hole in your pocket along with those extra calories.

Money lost in money fund

For thirty years, people have treated money funds as being just as safe as a bank. On the rare occasions when money fund management made a bad investment, they've voluntarily coug

Extend Your Vacation for Free With Open Jaws and Stopovers

Savvy travelers know how to take advantage of open jaw tickets and stopovers to get free flights. Find out what they are and how you can benefit.

How Online Retailers Make It Easier to Spend Money

Much of what's convenient about online retail — reviews, one-click shopping, fast shipping — is aimed at one thing: reducing the "pain of paying" so you'll spend more.

If You Won The Lottery, You Would...

What would you do if you had all the money you needed for you, your children, your children's children, and so on? Would you drop everything and retire or would you keep working? I

Why Women Need Life Insurance — and What to Do About It

You might think that you don't need life insurance coverage — especially if you're single or a stay-at-home mom. Learn why and what you can do.

The 5 Best Routers

One of the biggest Internet rip-offs? Internet service providers charge you to rent their routers. Save money by getting one of these.

Best of Personal Finance: Dog Days of Summer Edition

Sell your Twitter account, lose weight and save money, learn to network (really, it helps), clear up your life in 5 minutes, couchsurf around the world, and more.

The 5 Best Ceiling Fans

Keeping cool on the warmer days isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these five ceiling fans and you'll stay cool on the cheap.

8 Ways to Earn Extra Income While Christmas Shopping

Add some holiday cheer in the form of cash! Earn extra dollars this year, all while checking to-dos off your Christmas task list.

This Is Why You Settle (and How to Stop)

Even rats regret settling for second best. Decide what you really want, figure out how to reach it, and you'll never regret it later.

Getting Started in Indoor Cycle Class

Want to exercise during the winter months? Indoor cycling classes are great whether you're a hardcore bike-rider or you never graduated from training wheels.

This One Wedding Trick Will Save You Thousands

For the frugal bride and groom, winter is the right time to wed. Savings are substantial and the setting is unique and memorable.

5 Financial Obstacles That Are Especially Tough for Women

For a few reasons — some unfair — women face obstacles to money that men do not. Learn about those obstacles — and learn how to overcome them.

15 Affordable Gifts for Travel Lovers

Your jet-setter pals have been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. But they'd probably love these awesome (affordable!) travel gifts.

5 Mortgage Details You Should Know Before You Sign

Buying a new home is exciting, but before you sign your name on the dotted line, you need to ask — and answer — a few key questions about your loan.

Here's How Generosity Actually Improves Your Life

Everyone knows giving is its own reward, but it's nice to know that giving gives back to the giver, too. Here's how.

A Slacker's Video Guide on How to Tie Ties

Every man should know how to change a tire and tie a tie. These video tutorials will make you the master of at least one of those things.

Do You Need Medigap Insurance?

Discover what a Medigap policy is, and why, in the complex world of health insurance, you may eventually need one.

7 Personal Finance Lessons Women Learn in Their 30s

If our 20s are about finding our footing, our 30s are about planting our steps and getting going. What do our 30s teach us about money?