Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Learning how to "do it yourself" doesn't just save you save from hiring someone. Discover how DIY can improve your finances, friendships, and more.
If I can get drinks for free, I'm a happy tightwad. Here, I show you a few great ways to hustle free drinks in your local bar or pub.
When it comes to small auto repairs, skip the repair shop and find your inner greasemonkey — it's much cheaper and plenty satisfying, too.
Is travel insurance worth it? In these cases, the answer is definitely yes.
You've done an unbelievable job of saving for retirement. Does this mean you're done stashing money away? Not quite.
Forget bribing your friends with pizza. These apps and services take a bite out of the cost and hassle of moving.
Tell us how you'll prep your home for winter and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Tell us what new thing you want to try this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Tell us about about your goals for 2020 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
If you're obsessed with all things portable and electronic, don't worry — there is help. Learn how to manage costs while getting your gadget fix.
Pensions are pretty much a thing of the past. If you're lucky enough to get one, here's how to make the most of it.
This "jolly" season can become overwhelming when you shop, but these tips can help you avoid getting caught up in the hustle and bustle.
Is your glass always half-full or half-empty? Maybe it's time for an entirely new perspective.
Believe it or not, living in a hotel can be an affordable housing option.
Keeping your tech cables organized isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these travel cable organizers and you'll be able to grab the right charger the moment you need it.
If the high cost of college is keeping you away, don't worry; you won't need a degree for one of these well-paying jobs.
The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.
It's hard to predict the future when it comes to your career. But if you notice these positive signs, you're probably on the up and up.
The ATM just ate your deposit. Don't panic! You can fix it.
A wandering mind is no friend to productivity. If you can't focus, it might be due to these 12 unhealthy habits.
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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
The Many Benefits of DIY
Learning how to "do it yourself" doesn't just save you save from hiring someone. Discover how DIY can improve your finances, friendships, and more.
Top 5 Ways to Hustle Free Drinks
If I can get drinks for free, I'm a happy tightwad. Here, I show you a few great ways to hustle free drinks in your local bar or pub.
8 Easy DIY Car Repairs to Save Big
When it comes to small auto repairs, skip the repair shop and find your inner greasemonkey — it's much cheaper and plenty satisfying, too.
7 Times Travel Insurance Is Worth It
Is travel insurance worth it? In these cases, the answer is definitely yes.
Where to Invest Your Money After You've Maxed Out Your Retirement Account
You've done an unbelievable job of saving for retirement. Does this mean you're done stashing money away? Not quite.
6 Ways New Grads Can Save on Moving Costs
Forget bribing your friends with pizza. These apps and services take a bite out of the cost and hassle of moving.
Ask the Readers: How Will You Prep Your Home for Winter?
Tell us how you'll prep your home for winter and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Ask the Readers: What New Thing Do You Want to Try This Year?
Tell us what new thing you want to try this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Ask the Readers: What Are Your Goals for 2020?
Tell us about about your goals for 2020 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Frugal Advice for the Gadget Addicted
If you're obsessed with all things portable and electronic, don't worry — there is help. Learn how to manage costs while getting your gadget fix.
If You're Lucky Enough to Receive a Pension, Here Are 6 Things You Need to Do
Pensions are pretty much a thing of the past. If you're lucky enough to get one, here's how to make the most of it.
3 Ways to Beat Holiday Shopping Stress
This "jolly" season can become overwhelming when you shop, but these tips can help you avoid getting caught up in the hustle and bustle.
Good Luck, Bad Luck: Who Can Tell?
Is your glass always half-full or half-empty? Maybe it's time for an entirely new perspective.
How Living in a Hotel Can Be Surprisingly Affordable
Believe it or not, living in a hotel can be an affordable housing option.
The 5 Best Travel Cable Organizers
Keeping your tech cables organized isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these travel cable organizers and you'll be able to grab the right charger the moment you need it.
5 Jobs That Pay Over $50K and Don't Require a Bachelor's Degree
If the high cost of college is keeping you away, don't worry; you won't need a degree for one of these well-paying jobs.
15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom
The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.
9 Signs You're Making All the Right Career Moves
It's hard to predict the future when it comes to your career. But if you notice these positive signs, you're probably on the up and up.
The ATM Just Ate Your Deposit. Now What?
The ATM just ate your deposit. Don't panic! You can fix it.
12 Reasons You Can't Focus — And How to Fix It Now
A wandering mind is no friend to productivity. If you can't focus, it might be due to these 12 unhealthy habits.