Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Quiet Millionaire: Parts 4 & 5 - Building Your Net Worth

In The Quiet Millionaire, author and Certified Financial Planner Brett Wilder gives common-sense advice on how to build net worth: “Your goal should be to make the value of what yo

Best Money Tips: Brilliant Ways to Use Beer

Today we found brilliant uses for beer, simple moves that will make you richer, and questions to ask if you feel stuck.

Why the Boycott Isn’t Working

I hear it all the time. Some disgruntled consumer, employee, patron or the like decides that a boycott is in order. In theory, a

Relax And Conquer

A recruiter friend once told me that a good manager is one who gets things done and honors appointments or at least calls and reschedules, but a true executive makes time for prior

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

Best Money Tips: Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Car

Today we found some fantastic articles on questions to ask when buying a used car, summer fun for frugalists, and resume tips and tricks.

Best Money Tips: Fastest Ways to Make Cheap, Healthy Meals

Today we found helpful articles on the fastest ways to prepare cheap and healthy meals, insurance add-ons that are worth it, and things that every college grad needs to know.

The 12-Month Get-Richer Plan

You can achieve a whole lot in 12 short months. Start today and this time next year you'll be a whole lot better off.

Start a Business for Next to Nothing

Typically, one of the major necessities in business start-ups is a hefty financial commitment. However, there are ways to start a business for much less.

Frugality goes international

The existence of a strong frugality movement in rich countries may be more of a surprise to people in the poor countries than the other way around. Still, with the economy the way

Your Bad Credit Isn't the End of the World

High credit card debt and a low credit score are thought of as the proverbial nail in the personal finance coffin. Not so! It really isn't the end of the world.

Flashback Friday: 70 Brilliant Ways to Beat the Heat This Summer

It's hot outside! Battle summer's brutal heat with these cool and easy ways to chill.

How to Start Saving Money With Skype: A Beginner's Guide

I use Skype daily to make free online calls. It's so simple even my parents are doing it!

Best Money Tips: Summer Heat

It's summer! Kids are almost out of school! And bloggers are hard at work, ignoring the nice weather and unsupervised children, bringing you the best advice on enjoying the frug

6 Upsides of the Down Economy

The recession may have a silver lining in the form of better quality of life. Learn the 6 ways the recession has inspired us to save money and live well.

Best Money Tips: Places to Sell Your Clutter for Cash

Today we found some fantastic articles on places to sell your clutter for cash, tips to track your spending, and ways to mastery in everyday life.

5 Expensive Products That Will Actually Save You Money

Reaching for the cheapest option on the shelf is often a false economy. If your budget permits, pay more for these products — and save much more later.

E-Book Review: Discover Your New Job Online

In Discover Your New Job Online, a new e-Book by Thursday Bram, this Wise Bread blogger takes readers through the steps of landing a job using online tools.

Why You Should Build a Frugal Community — and How to Do It

It's hard to go it alone, especially for those pursuing a frugal lifestyle. Here's how to surround yourself with wonderful, thrifty people.

Best Money Tips: Money Recommendations For Every Age

Today we found some great articles on money recommendations for every age, knowing when it's time to quit your job, and mistakes renters make.