Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Panini Presses

Panini presses are good for more than just sandwiches — these great appliances can also help you grill up food quickly and easily.

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

101 Ways to Save Money on Clothes

Get smarter about shopping, mending, laundering, and lots more, and you can cut your clothing budget while still looking sharp. Here's how.

New Tools for the Unbanked

Lack of access to the banking system has been an expensive burden on the poor. Just recently, a surge in new financial products make it a lot less expensive to be unbanked.

8 Ways to Prepare for a Stock Market Dive

Got a little bit jumpy after the last market downturn? Relax. Here's how you can be prepared for the next one.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

5 Potluck Parties That Help You Share the Wealth

Having no money has never kept me from having a good time. Over the years I’ve developed several pot luck-style parties that are not only easy to tweak for just about any location

8 Costly Flight Booking Mistakes You Make All the Time

If the friendly skies aren't so friendly to your wallet, these flight-booking hacks will help.

Tips For Eating Out Cheaply

My husband and I eat out quite often because we just do not have the time and energy to cook on most weekdays. Even though we go out three times a week or more, we do not really s

15 Things You Should Do Today to Prepare for a Pandemic Flu

For the past few years people have been telling us that it's not a matter of "if" a pandemic occurs, but a matter of "when." Well, a pandemic may be upon us. Or it may not. Either

Sell Your House Faster With These 6 House Flipping Tricks

Ready to sell your house, fast? Try these expert moves house-flipping pros love. You'll get a great sale in record time.

6 Parts Every Successful Budget Needs

No two budgets are the same, but most successful budgets have these key components in common.

10 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Finances

You have a steady job, and you think you have your finances in control — what could go wrong? Lots, if any of these minor mistakes trip you up.

The 5 Best Flushable Wipes

Once you go with flushable wipes, you'll never go back to toilet tissue. Use any of these flushable wipes and you'll quickly learn what you've been missing.

How to Buy a Mattress in 10 Minutes or Less

Losing sleep over a subpar mattress? Pick out a new one in under 10 minutes with these tips. No more tossing and turning!

6 Things to Consider Before Making a Big Purchase for Rewards Points

Paying for a home renovation with a rewards card could earn you a free vacation -- or lots of cash back. Be sure you understand the pitfalls before you dust off your card.

Avoid These 7 Things When Living With Roommates

It's not easy making the rent, and for many, roommates are unavoidable. Let's try to make this arrangement as painless as possible, shall we?

The 7 Dumbest Big Purchases People Make

Remember when 3D TVs were all the rage? Sometimes even smart people make bad purchasing decisions. Consider that and six other doozies.

Save money on gas + free ebook

Save more money at the pump with these top 10 tips.

How to Get Free Accommodations (and Paid Jobs) on Boats

Want to travel with free accommodations, enjoy gorgeous ocean waters, and even get paid for it? You can — just work on a boat.