Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Get Noticed During a Job Search

During a job search, the last thing you want to be is just another applicant. Use these suggestions to get creative and stand out from the crowd!

6 Things You Need to Do if You're Retiring in 2018

This is it; 2018 is the year you retire. Before you leave the working world, there are a fey key moves to make first.

7 Reasons To Take The Bus

Low cost airlines are finally taking hold in the United States, offering a greater range of route options and discounts. At the same time, concerns over security, environmental imp

Same-As-Cash Store Offers vs. 0% Intro APR Credit Cards — Which Is Right for You?

Your favorite store may offer a "same as cash" deal with no-interest financing. Beware — it's not the same as getting 0% APR on new purchases.

These 10 Words and Phrases Are Keeping You From Getting a Raise

What you say and how you say it really matters to your career. Cut these troublesome words and phrases and bask in the accolades that follow.

How to Claim Social Security Benefits While Living Abroad

If your retirement plans involve spending your golden years abroad, you should know how to take your Social Security benefits with you.

How to Get to Machu Picchu and Back for $30

Believe it or not, you can travel to Machu Picchu and back for just $30!

Fight Your Speeding Ticket, Save Yourself Some Dough

I've never fought a speeding ticket before. I usually just pay it and forget it. By "usually", I mean, for the two tickets I got before when I was 16 and 19 years old. My recent ticket was an anomaly for a couple of reasons. [more]

Price adjust - your big, fat shopping safety net.

My wife and I never worry about buying something with the fear that it may go on sale. And there's a good reason for that. It's called the "price adjust" and it's an almost ironcla

7 Ways to Manage Your Travel Anxiety

Is anxiety holding you back from traveling the globe? Don't let it. You can crush those fears and have fun seeing the world.

Estate Planning: Why Me?

What is an estate, what makes up an estate plan, why do I need one, and how do I go about planning? These and more questions are answered in this matter-of-fact article.

Stop! Don't Cut Up Your Credit Cards

Put down the scissors, and step away from the plastic! You can catch up on credit card debt in much smarter ways than chopping up your cards.

6 Money Lessons I Learned Working as a Corn Detasseler

Never underestimate the money lessons a summer job can teach — even in the corn field!

Best Money Tips: Mental Hacks for Working Out

Today we found articles on mental hacks for working out, grocery shopping tips for a zero waste home, and why you should buy winter tires now.

What I Learned From Working at a Bank

In the short time I've been at my job, I've seen all kinds of borrower financial statements. Here are some of the best lessons I've learned from working at a bank.

Fly Out of These Airports and Save Big on Airfare

If expensive airfare is holding you back, it's time to change your "hub." Fly into one of these cities to save big on tickets.

Think Like a Startup to Boost Your Finances

From tech giants to retail royalty, today's most successful startups can teach us a thing or two about personal finance.

6 Back-to-School Shopping Hacks for Big Savings

Back-to-school time means breaking out the wallet, but it can be a lot less hectic — and a lot cheaper — with some crib notes.

Can you talk to your friends about debt?

Can you talk to your friends about your debt? Can you talk to your friends about their debt?

53 Fun Nights Out for $10 or Less

You really can have a fun night out without digging deep into your wallet. Sample local offerings, get creative, and have a great time with these activities.