Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Holiday Home Hazards

Today we found articles on home hazards to avoid this holiday season, high paying careers that are flexible and satisfying, and life-changing tips that will boost your happiness.

Best Money Tips: Plan a July 4th Blowout on a Budget

Today we found some wonderful articles on ways to plan a July 4th blowout on a budget, how bridesmaids can avoid going broke, and small business ideas for kids.

15 Rookie Mistakes New Bosses Make

You did it: You're the boss. The big cheese. Numero uno. However, don't get too comfy and make these rookie mistakes.

Share Your Thoughts: Consolidating Student Loans

What should one reader do to consolidate his student loan payments?

Best Money Tips: Dining Hacks From Restaurant Insiders

Today we found some fantastic articles on dining hacks from restaurant insiders, reconsidering the college investment, and tools to help you find the cheapest textbooks.

9 Items City-Dwelling Dudes Should Keep in Their Bags

Guys don't need much, but these essential items should be in every man's everyday bag.

5 Money Lessons People Learn at Their First Job

A first job teaches plenty about getting and keeping a job. A first paycheck teaches us a few things about getting and keeping money, too.

Save Money with a Dependent Care Tax Credit and FSA

If you pay for day care or other services, you may be able to save thousands with an FSA, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, or both.

How to Survive a Tax Audit

If you've been notified of an audit, don't panic. Follow these steps to help get through it with minimal stress.

11 Laundry Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

Your clothes aren't getting clean and it's all your fault. How many of these washday mistakes are you making?

Flashback Friday: 75 Cheap Ways to Enjoy the Final Days of Summer

Summer is almost over! But you can still have summer fun on the cheap.

How I Still Make Money with eBay

The glory days of eBay might be over, but there are still profits to be had. Learn the tricks to making money in the new eBay era.

Fee Fighters: Fighting for Low Credit Card Processing Fees

Whether you occasionally resell thrift finds or have a more established business, Fee Fighters can help you get the best deal with credit card processors.

8 of the Most Costly New Year's Eve Parties Ever

A New Year's Eve bash generally involves some excess — too much food, too much drink, and too much money. Sometimes, way, way too much money.

Beyond Silicon Valley: 7 Side Benefits Your Job Could Offer Soon

Beyond paid vacation days and subsidized health care, the benefits offered by future employers could easily overshadow what we get today.

4 Indulgences Your Business Can't Afford

Your waistline probably can't afford an extra cookie before bedtime. Your business probably can't afford these four budget busters, either.

Best Money Tips: Organic Groceries on a Budget

Today we found some great articles how to shop organic on a budget, 1-minute habits that will improve your day, and ways to make household items last longer.

How To Claim Your Online Identity and Keep It Relevant

Online services such as Google Places and Yelp include details about your business whether you ask them to or not. Here's how to claim those listings as your own.

5 Things Millennials Can Do to Buy a House Within the Next Decade

Millennials know from money woes. With some smart money moves, you'll be ready to buy your first home within the decade — or sooner.

How to Earn Extra Income as a Courthouse Researcher

If you've got some spare time and some sleuth-a-bility, court researcher may be the side job for you. Find out what it takes and judge for yourself.