Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Manage Money When You Hate Thinking About It

If the thought of managing your green has you seeing red, take heart; it doesn't have to be complicated!

5 Money Moves to Make Before Applying For a Credit Card

If you're feeling the urge to apply for a shiny new credit card, not so fast! Make sure these money moves get checked off first.

How to Fire Your Real Estate Agent

If the only thing your realtor is offering is stress, it's time to break up. It's not you — it's them.

6 Helpful Tools to Manage Your Small Business

If you're a small business owner or freelancer, you need the right tools and the right strategy to make it a success. These tools can help!

Stuff We Love: Comfortable, Stylish Clarks Dress Shoes for Men

You won't confuse a pair of Clarks for a pair of Brunos. But then, a pair of Clarks won't drain your bank account and leave you footsore at the end of the day, either.

Best Money Tips: 10 Fun Ways to Make Money on New Year's Eve

Today we found articles on ways to make money on New Year’s Eve, awesome organization hacks, and tips for amateur photographers.

How to Evaluate a Neighborhood Before You Buy

When you move into a new place, you're moving into a new neighborhood, too. Discover how to find out if it's right for you before you buy or rent.

7 Ways Pride Is Keeping You Poor

Pride is not your friend. It can mess with your good judgment, and convince you to make terrible financial decisions.

Best Kids Eat Free Restaurants

Knock dollars and cents off your tab by eating at one of these restaurants where kids score their meals for free.

5 Common Logic Traps You May Be Falling For

The human brain is a curious thing. See if you're being held back by one of these notorious logic traps.

Fixed or Adjustable? Choosing the Right Mortgage Loan

Choosing between a fixed rate or adjustable rate mortgage loan is yet another complex decision new homebuyers must navigate. Make it easier by understanding the options.

7 ways to spot a social media snake oil salesperson

Sure, you'd like to boost your online presence and make money on the Internet. But just like pyramid schemes attract the greedy and fad diets interest the desperate, many social me

6 Hidden Dangers of Credit Card Balance Transfers

We're advocates of credit balance transfers as part of a debt reduction plan, but that doesn't mean the strategy is risk-free. Here's what to watch out for.

11 Surprising Things Your HSA Will Cover

You probably aren't using your HSA dollars on these everyday medical buys. But you should be!

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.

9 Ways an Annual Self Review Can Boost Your Career

Don't wait for the boss to schedule your annual review. There are plenty of reasons to give yourself an appraisal right now.

15 Frugal and Natural Ways to Fight Acne

Keep your skin clean, fresh, and blemish-free with these natural ingredients and practices that won't harm the environment of your face — nor your wallet.

5 Airlines With the Best Customer Service

Air travel is the worst, right? With these top flight airlines, it's actually pretty nice!

7 Basic Sewing Tricks That Will Save You Money

Save money and add another DIY skill to your wheelhouse by mending your own damaged clothing. Start with these techniques!

10 Ways Even Shy People Can Fake Confidence and Get Ahead

Fake it 'til you make it is a lot easier said than done. Even shrinking violets can exude confidence with these simple posture and speech hacks.