Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Fun Ways the Sharing Economy Helps You Save on Vacation

From pet sitters to personal chefs, the sharing economy can help make your next vacation a memorable, and affordable, experience.

6 Ways Greed Is Keeping You Poor

"Greed is good," goes the famous line. After all, isn't greed a natural way to amass wealth? Not exactly.

These 10 Frugal Lunches Are Delicious Hot or Cold

Tired of hot lunch, when it's warmer outside? These lunches are versatile in temperature, and amazing in taste.

8 Money-Saving Hacks Every College Student Should Try

College debt doesn't stand a chance up against these top money-saving hacks.

Do What You Love: Idealistic Nonsense Or Good Advice?

"Do what you love" has always been the cheesiest advice you can give a young person, but can it really be solid advice? In anything you do, there's the struggle of between paying t

Tips From a Hostage Negotiator That Anyone Can Use

The next time you buy a car (or another negotiable purchase), try thinking like a hostage negotiator to get the best deal.

10 Insane, Life-Affirming, and Cheap Things You Must Do Before You Die

You don't have to be rich to live a life of adventure. Get out there and start living!

Start Planning Now for When Your Target-Date Fund Ends

Target-date funds are a common way to help you save for retirement. But what happens when they actually hit their target?

20 Ways to Entertain Your Kids for Free

Mom! Dad! I'm bored! Not anymore with this list of fun — and free — games and activities that will entertain everybody.

4 Mobile Phone Upgrades That Aren't Worth the Money

Many phone upgrade offers seem worthwhile at the store, but are usually a waste of money. We promise — you won't need them, so don't buy them!

How to Explore Your Antique Attic Treasures for Profit

Supplemental income can be as close as your attic or your basement. Start learning about the items in your house that can bring in some extra cash. Antiques are a big business but

8 Ways Retailers Use Big Data to Track You

Big brother knows a lot about how you shop.

Where to Turn for Help When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

If we've told you once, we've told you a thousand times — you need an emergency fund! But if disaster strikes, these last-minute answers can cover a cash crunch.

Use the 80/20 Rule to Maximize Your Financial Opportunities

Stocks, bonds, insurance, retirement — where should you focus your limited personal finance resources? Use the 80/20 to find the solution.

5 Ways to Prevent a Debt Spiral

Be the master of your fate when it comes to conquering credit card debt.

10 Money-Saving Gifts to Put on Your Wedding Registry

Start newlyweds on the right financial path with one of these thoughtful wedding gifts that celebrates the union with many happy returns.

30 Meaningful Mother's Day Gifts for Every Budget

Doesn't the woman who gave you life deserve something better than a box of chocolates? These 30 ideas are creative, frugal, and fun to give.

13 Easy Ways to Improve Your Brain

Keep your brain in top form with these easy — and fun — exercises and resources. Go ahead, get smarter!

4 Reasons to Cut Yourself Some Slack Following a Financial Setback

The first step to bouncing back from a money mistake is to cut yourself some slack.

6 Harmful Money Beliefs That Are Keeping You Poor

For many, the only thing standing between scraping by and real financial security are some outdated beliefs. Are these ideas holding you back?