Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Bridging The Gap From Dining Out To Eating In

Feeling guilty about not having bridged the gap from dining out to cooking in? Don't. Follow my lead and I show you how to take baby steps from full-service to self-service.

6 Smart Ways to Boost Your Social Security Payout Before Retirement

Pave the way for a smart retirement by boosting your Social Security payout first.

How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.

Share Your Favorite FinCon Moments and Win $100!

We had a blast at the Financial Blogger Conference. Please come share your stories!

How to Sell Your Home in a Seller's Market

Even in a hot market, smart sellers will work every advantage to get the maximum value out of a sale.

How Getting More Sleep Helps Your Finances

Need another reason to hit the sack early? Getting enough sleep improves your health and your wealth.

Free and cheap things to do in Champaign-Urbana

Here's a sampling of free and cheap things to do where I live--Champaign-Urbana, Illinois--offered up for my neighbors (who may not know all these places), for visitors (who may no

8 Ways to Save on Smartphone Costs While Traveling

A phone's a great — even necessary — travel companion, but the data costs can mount. Extend your trip by cutting the cost of smartphone roaming.

5 Cars That Thieves Don't Touch (and 5 Simple Anti-Theft Tricks)

Do you drive one of the least-stolen cars in America? Read this to find out.

Don't Pay More! Guide to Price Matching and Cheat Sheet

Holiday shoppers who take advantage of retailer price matching can be certain they get the best price. Read on for Carrie’s guide to the ins and outs of finding the best price.

5 Ways Carry-On Luggage Can Save You Time and Money

Airline travel is not much fun, so it makes sense to reduce the burden by packing less and not checking bags. You'll save time, money, and hassle.

13 International Crock-Pot Recipes That Are Out of This World

Life's too short to make the same slow cooker dishes week after week. Expand your crock-pot horizons with these recipes that span the globe.

Is there a secret code to control traffic lights?

So, what's the deal — is there actually a code to change the crosswalk light?

Why Can't You Ever Make On-Time Payments?

How frustrating is it to pay all of your bills each month when you finally get a minute to sit down and take care of things, only to find out later you got socked with penalties an

11 Unexpected Things Covered by Homeowners Insurance

From volcano eruptions to riots, your homeowners insurance has you covered for even these unexpected things.

Make Money Recycling: Get Paid to Recycle by 15 Websites

Can you could use some cash for your old broken cell phones, laptops, or ink cartridges? These companies actually pay you to recycle.

101 Ways to Save Money on Clothes

Get smarter about shopping, mending, laundering, and lots more, and you can cut your clothing budget while still looking sharp. Here's how.

Should You Use Peer-to-Peer Lending to Pay Down Credit Card Debt?

Depending on your debt situation, a peer-to-peer loan may be an affordable — and sensible — way to retire debt. Here's what you should consider.

10 Great Uses for Old Ties

Thrift stores (and maybe even your very own closet) tend to be filled with used ties. Give them new life with one of these easy DIY projects.

Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter

Just because you don't own a feline friend doesn't mean you should take kitty litter off your shopping list.