Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Socially Responsible Investing Goes Green

You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?

Technology Hacks for the International Traveler

Getting ready to travel abroad? Take your tech with you!

Best Money Tips: How Much You Should Spend in Retirement

Today we found articles on how much you should spend in retirement, ways to save money on Father’s Day gifts, and how to use your vacation to improve your everyday life.

The Top 7 Blogs for Entrepreneurs

Not sure how to get your business to the next level? Get some know-how from entrepreneurs who are paving the way.

Are We Headed Toward a Bull or Bear Market?

The stock market's movements are anybody's guess, but a few key factors can hint at either a bull or a bear.

7 Networking Tips for the Recently Unemployed

Sudden unemployment can be a huge blow. When you're ready to dive back in, the right connections can make all the difference.

Here's How Rich You'd Be if You Stopped Drinking Expensive Coffee

Fancy coffee drinkers, heads up! Your daily caffeine vice may seem like a harmless treat, but it's costing you more money than you may realize.

7 Fun Cities for a 24-Hour Layover

If you're looking to break up a long trip overseas with a 24-hour layover, these cities will provide tons of one-day fun.

9 Fun and Affordable Vacation Ideas

Are your vacation plans stressing you and your budget? Consider some frugal alternatives for plenty of fun and relaxation that won't require overtime to cover it.

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

We Do the Math: Save for Retirement or Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

It's a finance question for the ages: Should you save for retirement, or pay off credit card debt? Find out what the math says.

15 Surprising Facts About Income Tax

From the first recorded income tax to the popular teenage job that's filled with tax-evaders, prepared to be shocked, awed, and informed by these income-tax facts.

Is an All-Cash Diet Right for You?

Budget in the red again? Quell your craving to overspend with plastic with an all-cash diet instead.

5 Brilliant Money Moves You Should Make on January 1

It's a new year! Ditch the unrealistic resolutions and make these smart, achievable money moves right on January 1.

35 Delicious Rice and Bean Dishes

You know rice and beans are healthy and delicious. But did you know there are as many ways to prepare rice and beans as there are beans in the bag? Here're 35 to get you started.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

6 Money Moves to Make When You Move Back Home With Your Parents

A huge percentage of Millennials move back home with Mom and Dad. These money moves will help them get their financial footing.

Wage slave, debt slave

This article has its roots in an article I wrote some time ago that used the terms wage slave and debt peonage—terms that some people objected to. Those making free choices aren't

5 Free Accounting Tools for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you have enough expenses and income to manage. You don't need a pricey bookkeeping tool on top of that.

6 Reasons You Should Buy the Rental Car Insurance

Think the clerk at the rental counter just wants to sell you insurance? Actually, they may be trying to save you from a headache.