Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Wanna Put Away Some Cash? Take A Vacation!

A cruise to the Bahamas or a trip to that luxury spa aren’t going to get you ahead financially. However, if you’re looking to sock away a coupl

13 Essentials Every Emergency Bag Should Have

No one wants to consider evacuating their home, but it could happen. When it does, you need a go bag ready that you can grab and run.

5 Signs Your Budget Needs a Makeover (And How to Do It)

Try as you might, your money and your budget won't see eye-to-eye. Here's how to get back on track.

Ask the Readers: How Will You Prep Your Home for Winter?

Tell us how you'll prep your home for winter and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Musings inspired by the crappiest of films — Demolition Man.

I saw that film about 15 years ago, and I remember liking it at the time. I also liked stone-washed jeans and neon t-shirts, but I have since come to my senses. However, one nugget

56 Life Hacks to Help You Win at Winter

Baby, it's cold outside. Make getting through winter a little tamer with this collection of warm-ups, icebreakers, and assorted wintry hacks.

The Best Eco-Friendly Water Bottles

From reducing waste to saving money to staying hydrated, carrying a reusable water bottle just makes sense. Here are seven of the best.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Hobbies?

Tell us about your hobbies and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Cheap, Easy Ways to Invest Your First $1000

Investing is only for the wealthy, right? With even modest sums put aside, anyone can start building an investment portfolio — and it's easy, too.

Quick Pantry Snacks for Unexpected Guests

When company shows up unannounced (or you just want a quick, tasty snack), whip up one of these treats using ingredients you already have on hand.

The 5 Best Hair Straighteners

A good quality hair straightener like these five best choices will leave your hair silky, smooth, straight or wavy without causing a lot of damage.

Getting by without a job, part 3--cut spending

With the economy tanking, more and more people will be not just losing their job, but will be finding themselves without one for an extended period. When that happens it's not goo

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

8 Financial Decisions You'll Never Regret

Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy to look back and second guess ourselves. But not with these financial choices — they're right every time.

7 Ways to Earn Extra Money With Your Car

Think about it. Your car just sits there, losing value, for hours and hours every day. Turn it into a money-maker instead.

How to Clear Old Debt From Your Credit Report

Old debts can clutter up the path to an otherwise clean credit report. It's time to do a little cleaning.

The 14 Best Ways to Cut Food Costs While Traveling

Great food is one of the best parts of vacation but the cost adds up. Try a few of these tricks to save some cash on your next travel adventure!

How to Turn Your Instagram Account Into a Paying Gig

Instagram isn't just for pics of your daily latte and your adorable cat. You can make money with it, too!

Green Switch for Green Savings

Did you know that even after turning everything off in your home, you are still paying for electricity consumption you may be unaware of? If you’re like me, that should get both th

Change Your Life by Learning How to Admit You're Wrong

Mea whata? Mea culpa! Learn why admitting you're wrong frees you to pursue your goals — and reach them!