Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

New Mac minis: Beware small gains at a big price!

Are you interested in a new Mac mini? Read this first: be informed about which upgrades don't make sense and what to do about it.

Best Money Tips: Online Learning

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips. This week, we have notes on snagging a blogging gig, identity theft protection and help links, get ripped like Bruce Lee, and more, all

10 Reasons Why I Prefer Credit Cards Over Cash

You can call this a defense of the maligned credit card. There are a lot of people out there who are very distrustful of credit cards and the companies that offer them, no thanks t

11 Things That Are Worth the Money

Even when you're cutting back, making room in your budget for these 11 things will help ensure a happy, healthy life.

Logitech QuickCam Vision Pro webcam: why doesn't 4 stars tell the full story?

At first glance, a product looks great and inspires your confidence with its marketing blurbs and dozens of favorable user reviews. But criticism and complaints point to deeper pro

Summer Camp as a Side Business

My tween son went to a Lego camp this summer so that he could learn robotics, something I wasn’t sure I could teach him since his technical skills typically surpass mine. My initia

You Never Need to Pay to Watch Movies — Here's Why

Even the matinee is expensive these days, but with these 13 options, you always catch a flick for free.

The Secrets of History's Most Successful Savers

Today's extreme couponers have nothing on these famous savers. Improve your savings strategies with some tips from history's greatest money hoarders.

8 Ways to Buy Organic and Still Be Frugal

Organic food and produce usually comes at a premium, but with some smart shopping, you don't have to spend your whole paycheck to get it.

9 Frugal Winter Activities to Keep Kids Busy During Holiday Break

The kids are home for the holidays! But can you keep them entertained without busting your budget? You sure can!

Pack Up Your House: Tips for Saving Money (and Sanity) on a Move

Moving can be overwhelming and more costly than you can imagine if you are unprepared. Here are some tips to keep in mind to make your move more efficient and more cost-consciou

The 6 Youngest Entrepreneurs to Make It Big

Get inspired to take your business or freelance career to the next level with six tales of plucky tweens and teens who found the big money.

8 Misleading Gadget Marketing Gimmicks

Before you go out and buy the latest tech gadgets, be wary of those that don't live up to the hype.

Do Daily Deals Make Good Gifts?

Groupons and other daily-deal coupons are a great way for you to save on restaurants, classes, and more...but are they also a great way to save on gifts?

Feelin’ Flakey: 7 Delicious Corn Flake Ideas

There's a lot more to do with corn flakes than just toss 'em in a bowl with some milk. Discover surprising uses for this cheap ingredient.

The Top 5 Index Funds to Own Now

Exchange Traded Funds may be the new hotness, but a diversified portfolio should make room for high growth index funds, too. Consider these five.

5 Things You Must Do Before You Quit Your Job

Don't just take that job and shove it. Before giving notice, make sure you're prepared for whatever comes next.

The 5 Best Car Camping Tents

Camping comfortably isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these tents to take on your car camping trip and your family will be nice and cozy.

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

5 Affordable Solutions for Acid Reflux Disease

There are a number of ways to treat GERD. Here are some of the most affordable.