Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Alternative Uses for Nail Polish

Nail polish makes fingers and toes pop with brilliant color — but it can also do a whole lot more. Discover the many uses for the product in those tiny bottles.

8 Fees You Need to Stop Paying Right Now

Save hundreds of dollars a year by dropping these useless fees from your life.

6 Ways to Make Extra Money Using Social Media

How many social media platforms do you check in with every day (or every hour)? Turn your social media time sink into an extra income, instead.

12 Things You Should Do in the First Six Months of a New Job

Got a new job? Great! Here's your game plan for the next six months.

6 Ways to Get Financially Fit for Homebuying Season

Ready to take the plunge on your dream home? Before you hit the housing market, do a little financial fine-tuning of your own.

Best Money Tips: 30 Habits, Qualities, and Secrets That Lead to Success

Today we found articles on the habits and qualities that lead you to success, tips for driving on snowy roads, and ways to explore a new city on the cheap.

5 Characteristics of the World's Youngest Billionaires

There are 2200 billionaires in the world, and just 63 are under the age of 40. Here's what they have in common.

This One Ratio Is the Key to a Good Credit Score

Understanding this key credit scoring ratio may be the secret to unlocking a higher credit score. The math is simple, and so is the strategy.

Encounter With a Freegan

Would a good mother feed her children out of the Dumpster? My first encounter with a real live freegan leaves me wondering. Is helping save the earth and some money worth even t

Paint a Room and Wash Your Face: More Uses For Powdered Milk Than You Ever Imagined

Powdered milk has accrued a bad reputation over too many years of kids being forced to drink the stuff growing up. But it ain't so bad - especially when you can do over 20 things w

10 Stores With the Best Price Matching

Start taking advantage of these great price match guarantees, and you'll never pay full retail again.

How Cutting Your Losses Can Save You More Than Money

Learn to let go and you'll gain way more than better financial habits. Sunk costs are sunk for a reason!

13 Simple Gardening Skills Anybody Can Master

Having a green thumb is not only a great skill to have — it can also save you big bucks!

How to Set Career Goals When You Lack Direction

If you're lost on the career path, have no fear; you can still set goals without knowing where you're going.

Do You Have These Key Character Traits for Investing Success?

Being a successful investor isn't just about money management — it also comes down to personality.

7 Important Things You Should Know About Balance Transfer Cards

If you plan to pay down high interest credit card debt with a new zero-interest card, make sure you understand the potential downsides.

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

How the End of Net Neutrality Could Impact Your Wallet

The FCC changed course on net neutrality. How might the change impact your wallet?

How to Stretch Your Airline Miles With Dynamic Award Pricing

Dynamic award pricing is here to stay, but there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your airline miles.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Want to Get Done Before 2018 Ends?

Tell us what you want to get done before 2018 ends and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!