Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Weird Types of Insurance You Didn't Even Know About

Held for ransom? Killed someone via laughter? Lost a valuable body part? There's an insurance coverage policy for that.

Times Are Tough; Would You Consider A DIY Funeral?

It's never pleasant to think about death and funerals, but if there is one certainty in life, it's that we're all going to bite the dust at some point. And just like most things in

4 Reasons Credit Is Safer Than Debit

If you're prone to overspending, a debit card may be your best bet. For everyone else, credit cards are the safer choice.

Ask the Readers: Who Do You Go to For Money Advice?

Tell us who you go to for money advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Financial Perks of Marriage

Have you heard the stories about how finances are one of the leading causes of divorce? What are people arguing about? Being married actually has some pretty good financial perks!

11 Delicious Dishes You Can Make With a Can of Tomato Soup

A can of tomato soup can go a long way. Take yours beyond a bowl of soup with these delicious and clever recipe ideas.

7 Traps to Avoid With Your 401(k)

Your 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

What You Actually Get When You Win Free Food for Life

Winning "free food for life" from your favorite restaurant isn't always what it seems.

What You Need to Know About Canceled Debt and Taxes

If you think debt forgiveness can make your financial liability disappear altogether, you're likely wrong.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

Can You Really Make a Living as an Ebook Writer?

Ever wonder if you could make a living as an ebook author? Us too! Find out what we learned about it.

5 Newspaper or Magazine Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth the Cost

With so much news and info available for free online, why pay for it? Because you just can't get what some publications create anywhere else.

9 Ways Work-At-Home Seniors Can Master Work-Life Balance

Working in retirement is all about keeping balance. Working from home is a great way to do that.

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

The 5 Best Running Sunglasses

Finding proper eyewear for running isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these running sunglasses and your peepers will be protected on all your runs.

Best Money Tips: When Is the Best Time to Buy a Car?

Today we found articles on the best time to buy a car, ways to make the most of your time and money, and how to handle sentimental clutter.

50 Ways to Use Canned Salmon

Love fresh salmon but not the fresh price? Substitute affordable canned salmon for frugal and flavorful seafood feasts.

Watch Out for These 5 Sneaky 401K Fees

Don't let fees and plan costs sap your 401K earnings. Watch out for these five hidden retirement fees.

3 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy a New Car

Before you drop big bucks on a shiny new set of wheels, consider how much smarter it can be to buy used.

8 Creative Ways to Upcycle Used Baby Furniture

Wondering what to do with that old crib or changing table? It could become a stunning addition to a kitchen or dining room!