Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Travel Destinations for Introverts

Escape the madding crowd even while exploring some of the world's most popular destinations by seeking out nearby roads less traveled.

Can cheap AppleCare on eBay be trusted?

Getting peace-of-mind protection for your Mac or iPod for less — in some cases over $150 less — looks tempting. But is it for real? Read on and find out.

8 Valuable Rights You Might Lose When You Refinance Student Loans

You can refinance your mortgage to chip away at federal student loans faster. But be cautious: It comes at a cost.

6 Important Things to Look for in a Savings Account

Not all savings accounts are created equal. When it comes to stashing your savings, there are a few key features to look for.

4 Ways to Make Debt Repayment Fun

Paying off debt can be fun — yes, fun — with just a little bit of creative thinking and some basic gamification.

How to Keep Student Loans From Wrecking Your Retirement

Young Americans owe thousands in student loan debt. Unfortunately, so do their parents.

5 Modern Ways to Split the Bill

Are you always the one who gets stuck covering taxes and tip when it's time to settle the tab with friends? Not anymore.

The Top 5 Strength Training Apps

Need a new workout routine or some extra motivation? Find both in this list of five popular strength training apps.

50 Ways to Walk More

There's an easy way to lose 10 pounds and 2 inches off your waist — walking 10,000 steps a day. Here are 50 great ways to get those steps in.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Keyboards

Love your smartphone or tablet except when you have to type on it? If so, these Bluetooth keyboards may be the solution you've been looking for.

6 Ways Climate Change Could Affect Your Money

Earth's climate is changing and it's going to cost you.

What NOT to Buy at a Farmers Market

When it comes to fruit and vegetables, farmers markets are tough to beat. But some farmers’ market regulars we talked to advised us of a few things to buy elsewhere.

10 Fun Money Reads to Take to the Beach

Off to the beach and need something to read? Don't leave home without one of these 10 wise and witty reads about money.

20 Places Where You Can Always Shop for a Worthy Cause

TOMS leads the way with its "buy a pair give a pair" business model, but plenty more retailers make giving as easy as shopping.

HP Giving Away $500 to a Lucky Wise Bread Reader

To enter tell us your smartest investment. It can be anything! A degree, cooking lessons, hot stock, or a great pair of shoes.

10 Countries Where Banks Pay Crazy Interest Rates

If you think the interest rates of American banks are wacky, wait until you take a look at rates in these other countries.

9 Ways to Get Exactly What You Want From Customer Service

Use these Jedi mind tricks to get the best possible results from customer service reps.

6 Decorative Plants You Can Eat, Too

Kill two birds with one stone by stocking both your garden and your pantry with these gorgeous edible plants.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Winter Activity?

Tell us about your favorite winter activity and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Talk to Friends and Family About Money (Without Making Everyone Mad)

Most of us would rather get a tooth pulled than talk about money with friends and family. Here's how to make the money talk painless.