Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What Really Happens When You Don't Pay Your Student Loans

Student loans can be a heavy financial burden even in the best of times. If you don't pay them, things will only get worse.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Been Audited by the IRS?

Tell us whether you have ever been audited by the IRS and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

This Is What Your Resume Should Include in 2018

If it's time to update your resume, make sure you're updating more than just the dates.

How to Set Career Goals When You Lack Direction

If you're lost on the career path, have no fear; you can still set goals without knowing where you're going.

What You Can Buy With $5,000

When you're done fantasizing about what you could spend a cool million on, think about the possibilities of a realistic windfall — like a cool $5K!

4 Reasons Credit Is Safer Than Debit

If you're prone to overspending, a debit card may be your best bet. For everyone else, credit cards are the safer choice.

5 Home Investments to Make Your Summer Cooler

You won't have to sweat summer heat waves if you make these easy home investments and upgrades.

How to Stretch Your Airline Miles With Dynamic Award Pricing

Dynamic award pricing is here to stay, but there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your airline miles.

How to Get Your First Credit Card and Build Credit

You're officially an adult and now you have your own credit card! Here's how to build credit the right way.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Prefer to Work Out?

Tell us where you prefer to work out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Who Do You Go to For Money Advice?

Tell us who you go to for money advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 College Courses That Will Boost Your Career

If you want to kick-start a career, you'll need skills. These college elective courses will make you smarter — and more hirable.

15 Smart Things You Can Do With Your Finances, Even if You're Broke

If money is tight, these easy, smart personal finance habits can help turn your financial life around.

How to Pay Off Holiday Debt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Did Christmas leave you in the red? Don't worry, this step-by-step guide will help you climb out of that hole.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

How to Talk About a Previous Job in an Interview

Your interviewer asks the killer question: "How did you like your previous job?" Here's how to respond without blowing it.

10 Small Gestures That Go a Long Way at Work

It doesn't take much to be a considerate coworker. Work some of these good deeds into your 9-to-5 and brighten everyone's day — especially yours.

5 Ways Credit Card Rewards Can Cost You Money

Credit card rewards are great when you're rolling in cash back and other major discounts, but beware of the times when they can actually cost you.