Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Sell Your House Faster With These 6 House Flipping Tricks

Ready to sell your house, fast? Try these expert moves house-flipping pros love. You'll get a great sale in record time.

Are You Pursuing an Overcrowded Career Field?

It takes time, money, and effort to earn a degree or certificate for a chosen occupation. Before you commit, make sure the field has room for you.

10 Small Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Finances

You have a steady job, and you think you have your finances in control — what could go wrong? Lots, if any of these minor mistakes trip you up.

Unexpected Roommates: How to Get Rid of Roaches

People say that these bugs will survive a nuclear apocalypse with good reason, but there are (thankfully) effective ways to get rid of roaches.

Why you can't trust a real estate agent.

Surely a real estate agent would want to get you the very best price for your home. After all, they earn commission. The more they sell it for, the more they make, right? [more]

Seven Ways to Get Free Shipping Supplies

Once upon a time I sold a lot of stuff on eBay and Amazon, and I always needed envelopes, boxes, and padding. The costs of these shipping supplies could really add up when you mai

Best Kids Eat Free Restaurants

Knock dollars and cents off your tab by eating at one of these restaurants where kids score their meals for free.

9 Places to Get Student Discounts

Hundreds of stores, including online shops, offer student discounts. So how and where can you take advantage of these discounts?

8 Sacrifices That Will Supercharge Your Debt Payoff

They won't seem like sacrifices when debt is no longer hanging over your head.

4 Ways Couples Can Tackle Money Goals Together

If you really want to win at marriage, you need to make "money goals" your new "relationship goals."

You're Denied a Credit Card Due to Too Many Hard Inquiries. Now What?

Hard inquiries ruining your rewards game? When you can't get approved for new cards, these strategies can help you make the most of what you've got.

Making Change Count

I brought a bag filled with quarters to pay for my meal at an Italian restaurant recently. I’ve been taking an informal survey of merchants to see who welcomes my coins. Having rec

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Dollar Store Buys?

Tell us about your favorite dollar store buys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Are You Happy With Your Bank?

The American Customer Satisfaction Index tells us how citizens feel about their banks. But the most important question is, how do you feel about yours?

How to Organize Your Paperwork in Just 10 Minutes a Week

If your financial filing system is more "pile" than file, take heart. Learn to control your documents — and make tax time and a lot else much easier.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

15 Frugal and Natural Ways to Fight Acne

Keep your skin clean, fresh, and blemish-free with these natural ingredients and practices that won't harm the environment of your face — nor your wallet.

How Parents Save Money at Costco

Raising kids isn’t cheap, but shopping at Costco can help parents cut costs on everything from infant formula to toys.

Build Your Own Furniture: 9 Helpful Tips For Non-Carpenters

It might seem intimidating, but it's totally possible for you to make your own furniture, even if you've barely wielded a hammer before. Learn how.

7 Fun Cities for a 24-Hour Layover

If you're looking to break up a long trip overseas with a 24-hour layover, these cities will provide tons of one-day fun.