Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Body Lotions

Keeping your skin constantly smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these body lotions and your skin will stay soft and supple.

Best Credit Cards for Bad Credit

If you have bad credit you can start rebuilding with these credit cards.

10 Places to Go for Inspiration

Got a problem at work? Need to find a new creative project or hobby? Get up, get out, and go find your muse in one of these inspiring places.

10 of America's Awesomest Cheap Cities

The culture, the people, the food — city life is great, but it's also expensive. Luckily, these smaller cities offer big city amenities at country prices.

The 5 Best 3D Printers

Why print flat paper when you can print 3D objects? Just use any of these 3D printers and you'll be amazed by what you can make at home.

8 Ways to Escape a Dying Industry

You have a career, but you know it's not going to be around much longer. The good news is you cannot only survive a dying job, but thrive afterward.

Cancel Student Loans to Save — and Receive an Interest-Free 120-Day Loan

What's an easy way to have less debt? Return money you don't need. In federal loan lingo, it's called "canceling" your loan, and it can save you a lot.

What your house is really worth

There are several things you can do with a house that you own. During the housing boom, most of the attention was focused on two of those things: You could sell it, or you could

I Love Tax Season (and Why It's Like Christmas)

I have a confession to make: I love tax season. Not just the days when I do my taxes or when I file my taxes or get a chunk of change deposited to my account, but the entire Tax S

9 Ways Life Is Wonderful When You're a Good Driver

You may be surprised to know that good driving skills make your life better in many ways.

The Five Types of People Who Never Retire (Are You One of Them?)

Whether due to choice or financial circumstance, some people choose to keep on keeping on rather than retire. Which one are you?

What Makes a Home's Location "Good"

When searching for the perfect new home, make sure the location is perfect, too.

Having a Frugal Valentine's Day: Highlights From Our Chat With Beverly Harzog

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Beverly Harzog on having a frugal Valentine's Day!

A Simple Guide to Planning For a Loved One's Long-Term Care

Our aging loved ones deserve the best care possible. Plan for it now, and make the process much easier later.

10 Useful Items You Should Never Throw Out

The next time you're on a declutter rampage, give your toss pile a second thought. Some of that stuff can be put to good re-use.

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

How to Live Alone Without Going Broke

Having a roommate can definitely save you money — but living alone doesn't have to be expensive. Follow these tips to be frugal while living solo.

Emergency Plan: Better Than an Emergency Fund

This is broader than just an Emergency Fund; it's an Emergency Plan.

5 Simple Ways to Cut Your Car Expenses

With ever-rising gas prices, it's important to do what we can to cut back vehicle expenses. Here are five simple things you can do to keep that cash in your wallet!

It's Sew Easy to Save

Always wanted to learn to sew? Now is the perfect time. It's simple to get started and can save you money, too. Here are some tips for savvy sewing and some easy projects to help y