Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Times When It's Okay to Take a Loan

There's nothing frugal about borrowing to support a lavish lifestyle. But for essential big purchases, it's okay to visit your bank.

Best Money Tips: How to Stock a Minimalist Kitchen

Today we found articles on how to stock a minimalist kitchen, cleaning supplies you never have to buy again, and simple ideas for taking care of yourself.

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

10 Smart Things to Do With Leftover Easter Goodies

The Easter Bunny brings a wealth of knick-knacks and treats. Stuck wondering what to do with those goodies post-Sunday? Repurpose them!

Food Safety Reminder: Rinsing the Bird Is Bad for Your Health

Do you rinse your poultry and other meats before cooking? Well stop!

Gift-Giving Ideas That Can Change Lives

Giving a gift that doesn't suck is not easy. Instead of focusing on the same old gift ideas, how about trying something that has the potential to change the person's life? It can b

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Homemade Gluten-Free Noodles

You don't have to give up noodles when you're gluten-free. This simple and delicious homemade gluten-free noodle recipe will have all your gluten-grubbing friends asking for second

Why the Age of Your Credit History Matters

Your credit history is like a fine wine — the longer it matures, the better it is.

5 Signs It's Time to Close Your Business

Your business was your dream. But if it's doing more harm than good, the best thing you can do is walk away.

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

Flashback Friday: 62 Ways Introverts Tend to Win at Life

Introverts might seem like underdogs, but while the extroverts are busy soaking up the spotlight, it's those watchful wallflowers who are winning — quietly.

How to Stay Focused at Work Despite Your Chatty Coworkers

Believe it or not, you can sidestep your distracting coworkers without actually telling them to zip it. Here's how to walk that line.

How to Get What You Want on Customer Service Calls

Learn 8 effective strategies for getting what you want on customer service calls. Communicate better, communicate smarter and get your problem solved!

The 5 Best Eye Masks

When you need to catch some z's but lights are keeping you up, pop on an eye mask and shut out the world.

5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You're Self-Employed

If you're self-employed, you have two credit scores to worry about: Yours, and your business's.

Deal Killers: 5 Phrases to Avoid When Negotiating

Negotiating can sometimes be stressful, and that stress can make buyers and sellers say dumb things. Learn to score better deals by avoiding these phrases.

7 Ways That Anyone Can Travel for Free

Satisfying your wanderlust doesn't have to drain your savings. In fact, if you're clever, you can travel for free.

9 Good Reasons to Choose a Credit Union Instead of a Bank

We're big fans of credit unions at Wise Bread, and once you get a look at this list of reasons why, you will be too!

5 Simple Ways to Boost an Underperforming 401(k)

For most of us, a 401(k) is our primary retirement savings vehicle. Don't undercut your earnings by allowing your 401(k) to fall behind.

6 Things You Need to Do if You're Retiring in 2018

This is it; 2018 is the year you retire. Before you leave the working world, there are a fey key moves to make first.