Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Will The Comcast/NBC Merger Really Affect You?

The deal has been approved, and there's a lot of speculation about what it will mean for you, the consumer. Discover the truth behind common questions.

10 Smart Ways to Make Yourself Hate Spending Money

You've tried and tried to control your spending, but still it gets away from you? Make spending something you dislike and watch your savings grow.

Buying Gifts for a Family with Many Children

When a first child is born, the celebrations abound. By the time the third and fourth arrive, people seem to care less. Should they?

7 Basic Ways to Become Your Own Life Coach

Life coaches can help us make positive changes. If you can't afford the time or money for one, take steps to coach yourself. You can do it!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Hundreds on Groceries

Today we found articles on ways to save hundreds on groceries, how to make a travel itinerary, and surprising things you’ll find at libraries.

How to Boost Your Credit With a Balance Transfer

A balance transfer can be a boon to your credit score. There are a few pitfalls to watch out for, too.

6 Myths About Using Credit Cards for the Sign-Up Bonuses

If you play the game right (and yes, it’s a game), you can come away with some very sweet bonuses and rewards from credit card sign-up promotions.

12 Reasons You Deserve to Get Fired

Losing a job is never fun and it's rarely easy. That is, it isn't easy unless you're guilty of any of these career derailers.

Online Tax Payment and Filing for Small Businesses

The IRS wants businesses to pay their taxes online, as well as file their taxes online. It's faster, eliminates the need for the IRS to have people open envelopes and process pa

Best Money Tips: Things to Avoid at the Dollar Store

Today we found articles on items to avoid at the dollar store, travel mistakes to stop making when you hit 30, and bathroom hacks that will simplify your life.

10 Examples of Tremendous Business Leadership

Here are 10 examples of top-notch leadership from leaders who ultimately led by example, letting their actions (and bottom lines) speak for themselves.

10 Lies That Even Honest People Tell

It's not money that makes the world go 'round — it's little white lies. How many of these fibs are you guilty of?

How to Make Your Own Popcorn

From butter-drenched microwaved kernels to old-fashioned stovetop kettle corn, here's how to make your own popped snack at home.

10 Things in Your Pantry That Don't Last as Long as You Think

Flour, sugar, canned ham and other pantry items don't actually last forever. Keep your eye on these pantry staples and catch them before they go off.

10 Examples of Shockingly-Excellent Customer Service

It always gives me a bit of hope when a company actually goes above and beyond the call of duty and provides excellent customer support. Here are a few recent example

Best Money Tips: Things Receptionists Won't Tell You

Today we found some great articles about things receptionists won't tell you, how to keep your A/C bill down this summer, and how to get free stuff.

8 Money Lessons I Learned From Three Weeks in Europe

A whirlwind family vacation brings more than just memories for a lifetime — it also offers some sound money lessons.

Counting the Cost of 401(k) Plans

Sorting through the costs of 401(k) plans can be time consuming, but counting the expenses step by step can be helpful in deciding what type of plan to offer.

4 Red Flags That Your Retirement Plan May Be Off Track

Is your retirement off course? If these red flags apply to you, it just might be.

Intellectual Property: 5 Problems You Should Expect

There are plenty of problems that can come up when you're dealing with your intellectual property.