Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Ways to Reuse Detergent Bottles

Instead of trashing them when the detergent runs dry, discover the multitude of uses for these very versatile bottles.

The 5 Best E-readers

Finding the right tablet for reading all your favorite books isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these e-readers and you can be the bookworm you've always wanted to be.

Stuff We Love: Comfortable, Stylish Clarks Dress Shoes for Men

You won't confuse a pair of Clarks for a pair of Brunos. But then, a pair of Clarks won't drain your bank account and leave you footsore at the end of the day, either.

The 5 Best Standing Desks

There's more to a standing desk than the extra height. Find out which desks rank the best durability, sustainability, and adjustability!

Beyond Disney: 8 Affordable Family Destinations in the US

If you can't justify the high cost of a Disney vacation, check out one of these affordable family destinations around the U.S.

14 Cool Uses for a Blender

Everyone's got one tucked away in some kitchen cabinet. If you're not getting enough mileage out of your blender, check out these 14 great uses.

What Do the Chinese Spend Money On?

Chinese people generally save 30% to 50% of their take home pay. So where do they spend their savings — and what can we all learn from them?

Know Your Markets and Earn Some Cash: Ebay vs. Amazon

Most online shoppers I know are very familiar with Ebay and Amazon. The problem is that the hardcore Ebayers are not very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace. [more]

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

With a move on the horizon, from residential house to suburban apartment, I realize I can't forgo the garden.

5 Times It's OK to Pause Saving and Investing

Saving and investing is always a good idea; however, if you're facing one of these money struggles, take time to clear the crisis before you start investing again.

4 Money Moves to Make After You Pay Off Your Mortgage

You own your home free and clear; congrats! Once you're done celebrating, it's time to make some smart post-mortgage money moves.

Pets, Old Cars, and 3 Other Common Money Pits

Beware the money pit. Whether it's a new puppy or a vintage muscle car, you might be jumping into more spending than you can afford.

How to Score a European Cruise for $1,000 or Less

If Europe is on your bucket list, but you need to maximize your time and your budget, a cruise can help.

7 Surprising Benefits of Failure

Falling on your face hurts twice if you fail to learn why you fell.

Weird Money Facts: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Counterfeit Money

Maybe the strangest fact about counterfeits is that they're real until they aren't. Read on for more true facts about phony money.

These 6 Things Will Make Your Next Flight More Comfortable

Dreading your next flight? These tricks will make your time in the sky way more comfy.

7 Self-Care Rituals for the Newly Retired

Your Golden Years are finally here! Now that you're done working, make sure you leave enough time in your day for self-care.

Drive the Old Car or Buy a New Car?

The cost of a new car can be much bigger than the sticker price...even going so far as to affect your retirement savings.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.