Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Generators

With the help of an electric generator, you can keep your home going even when the power goes out. Find out which of these top-rated generators will work best for you.

Flashback Friday: 38 Ways to Get More Sleep Tonight

A good night's sleep can improve every aspect of your life. Not convinced? Here's why you should hit the hay early tonight.

The 5 Best Charcoal Scrubs

Keeping your skin clear isn't always easy, but it can be. Use any of these charcoal scrubs and your pores will remain unclogged.

7 Times You Definitely Will Be Charged Credit Card Interest

When you use credit cards, you should aim to avoid paying interest whenever possible. But there are times when it's unavoidable.

The Two Biggest Mistakes People Make When Starting to Live Frugally

If you're ready to live frugally, great! But if you want your frugal experiment to be a success, make sure you avoid these major mistakes.

Never Order Fish on Mondays and 7 Other Bad Days to Buy Stuff

Mark your calendar and hide your wallet. These shopping days of the week, month, and even year come with higher prices and lower quality.

31 Super Smart Travel Hacks

From packing cubes to boil coils, you'll be so glad you brushed up on these travel hacks before your next trip. Don't leave home without clicking this.

Top 5 ETF Tips

ETFs are part stock, part mutual fund — so that means you need to treat them a little differently than if you owned just one of the two. Here are five tips to help you nav

How to Get to Machu Picchu and Back for $30

Believe it or not, you can travel to Machu Picchu and back for just $30!

Fight Your Speeding Ticket, Save Yourself Some Dough

I've never fought a speeding ticket before. I usually just pay it and forget it. By "usually", I mean, for the two tickets I got before when I was 16 and 19 years old. My recent ticket was an anomaly for a couple of reasons. [more]

Your Hotel Room Has Bedbugs. Now What?

Bedbugs? Ick! Once the squick subsides, take some steps to make sure you don't bring any new friends home with you.

8 Travel Must-Haves for Nursing Moms

Have travel plans as a new mom that don't include your new baby? Here's what you need before you hit the road.

Foods You Can Grow in the Comfort of Your Home

You don't need a yard to grow produce — heck, you don't even need a patio. From mushrooms to berries, discover foods that are easy to grow indoors.

Estate Planning: Why Me?

What is an estate, what makes up an estate plan, why do I need one, and how do I go about planning? These and more questions are answered in this matter-of-fact article.

Stop! Don't Cut Up Your Credit Cards

Put down the scissors, and step away from the plastic! You can catch up on credit card debt in much smarter ways than chopping up your cards.

Preserving In-Season Foods for Off-Season Feasts

The garden's bounty is arriving in overflowing CSA boxes and crowded store produce bins. Now is the time to learn the sweet and sour art of home food preservation.

20 Smart Ways to Spend Your Loose Change

Keep loose change in a dedicated place, and in no time you'll have a nice chunk of change to put to good use. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

6 Back-to-School Shopping Hacks for Big Savings

Back-to-school time means breaking out the wallet, but it can be a lot less hectic — and a lot cheaper — with some crib notes.

8 Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Turn your refund into smart investments that will grow over time.

Think Like a Startup to Boost Your Finances

From tech giants to retail royalty, today's most successful startups can teach us a thing or two about personal finance.