Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Easy Ways to Start Green Investing

Nurture your financials and Mother Earth at the same time with five eco-friendly investments that do well for you and the planet.

5 Ways to Manage Your Online Reputation

If you aren't telling your online audience what to think of you, someone else is.

How to Avoid the Common Pitfalls of a Family Business

Keeping it all in the family is not always the best choice for small business owners.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Save Money on Holiday Parties

Today we found articles on smart ways to save on holiday parties, financial choices you’ll regret in 10 years, and over 80 awesome DIY stocking stuffers.

The 5 Best Dry Shampoos

Washing hair everyday with regular shampoo can leave it flat and dry. Keep your hair looking its best with one of these best 5 dry shampoos.

7 Portable, Affordable Fitness Gear Items for Travelers

Keep fit on the road with these seven pieces of fitness equipment.

Best Money Tips: Tour New York (and Other Big Cities) on a $25 Budget

Today we found articles on how to tour New York with only $25, sales skills that everyone should develop, and easy Christmas treats that you can make for less than $5.

Timely Tax Tips for Small Business Owners

Is it tax time again already? Three experts share tips and advice about getting through tax season unscathed.

The Ability To Execute Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Stop talking about it, planning for it, dreaming of it and start getting it done.

What Is Procrastination Costing You?

"Later" is the busiest time of the day. "Tomorrow" looks even busier -- and costlier.

10 Tempting No-Bake Desserts

Baking's great but sometimes you need a break, too. Let the oven sit one out and make crowd pleasing desserts without all the fuss.

Best Money Tips: Managing the Family Shopping Chore

Today we found some great articles on managing the family shopping chore, financial benefits to being sick, and having a productivity routine.

8 Creative Ways to Save Money on Food

When life hands you a smaller budget, take your frugality to another dimension. Keep your household food costs in check by going unconventional.

TWINKIE SUSHI - Chopsticks optional

I am not exactly a Twinkie fan. I moved to the USA in my mid-twenties and so I hadn't acquired a taste for them. And most likely never will (although I did try a deep-fried Twinkie recently...not bad, considering). [more]

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What to Do if You Get Sick While Traveling Abroad

There's never a good time to get sick. This might be the worst time.

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

Best Money Tips: 101 Ways to Make Money Online

Today we found some great articles on 101 ways to make money online, handling unexpected expenses, and how to save money if you hate negotiating.

4 Unexpected Costs of a Higher-Paying Job Offer

Accepting a higher-paying job offer is an automatic "yes," right? Not exactly — here's why you may want to turn the money down.

For Riders Only: Harley-Davidson Visa Secured Card

A secured card with a fun rewards program! Harley-Davidson fans rejoice.