Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Money Moves to Make Before Moving Out on Your Own

Before striking out on your own, set yourself up for financial success while Mom and Dad have still got your back.

How to Effectively Complain to Get What You Want

Effective complaints make everybody happy — including you. Learn the right way to complain and get what you want.

Best Money Tips: 20+ Best Apps for Selling Clothes

Today we found articles on the best apps for selling clothes, Halloween decorations you can DIY, and ways to be more charismatic.

Best Money Tips: How to Create a Frugal Self-Care Routine

Today we found articles on creating a frugal self-care routine, how to afford your dream honeymoon, and personal finance basics you should know by heart.

Dead car battery? Give it a glass of red wine.

  I love quick fixes for problems. [more]

10 Pointless Fees That Are Sabotaging Your Budget

Just because you have been paying that fee doesn't mean you need to keep on paying it.

Jobless Americans Paying Fees for Unemployment Benefits

It seems crazy, but it's true — by receiving funds on prepaid cards, unemployed citizens are forced to pay fees to access cash when they need it the most.

3 Terrible Things Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

A foreclosure stings, but you can rebuild. Here's what it will do to your credit, and the steps to take to get it back.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

How Much Should Your Kids Know About Your Finances?

I know of parents who don’t ever discuss money with their kids. “They should be carefree at this age,” they claim. Money isn’t an appropriate topic for family conversation at the

Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them

The homeowner wants to make the sale. The broker wants to make the commission. The lender wants to make the loan. It'd be nice to see all these folks made happy, but first... th

Not too late to get your IRS stimulus rebate--if you qualify

A lot of taxpayers missed out on getting their IRS economic stimulus rebate last year, even though they qualified. If you're one of them, you'll be glad to know that there's a way

6 Reasons Why Cash Is Still King

Learn the top reasons why cash is still king — even in the age of plastic.

9 Ways Restaurant Menus Are Designed to Make You Spend More

You'll never look at a restaurant menu the same way again.

10 Relationship Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made for breaking — even in relationships. Ditch these old-fashioned mandates that may just be holding you back.

The 4 Best Investments for Lazy Investors

You really don't need a lot of money to get started investing. And you don't need a lot of time, either.

What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes?

The retailer behind your store-branded credit card just went kaput. What happens to your plastic — and your debt — now?

6 Ways to Drive a Hybrid or Electric Car on the Cheap

Ready to ditch your gas-guzzling days? Here's how to find a hybrid or electric car for super cheap.

Living within your means isn't nasty

How bad could things get? The New York Times asked that question about the economic situation. It's a good question, but they gave a really bad answer.

5 Off-Season Foods That Are Destroying Your Grocery Budget

Off-season fruits and veggies are eating a hole in your grocery budget. Know when to stock up, and when to skip.