Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things You're Paying Too Much for When You Travel (and How to Pay Less)

With all the hassles of travel, it's easy to get nickel and dimed. Look for these common overcharges and learn how to get the same service for less.

The Simple Way to Save Enough Money for Your Dream Goals

Stop dreaming about a house, a car, or a wonderful vacation. Make those big purchases real with this simple long-term savings strategy.

12 Cheap Ways to Make Your Car Look Awesome

You may never get that new car smell back, but you can keep an old car looking (and running) sharp. Brighten up your jalopy with these frugal fixes.

5 Benefits of Carrying a Mortgage Into Retirement

You wanted to ditch that mortgage before you retired; you didn't. That's OK! There are some benefits to bringing your home loan into your golden years.

5 Easy Ways to Make Extra Money Blogging

You've got a website, an audience, and a passion — but how, exactly, do you monetize that blog? It's easier than you think.

4 Tech Add-Ons That Can Save Travelers Time and Money

Upgrade some of your tech gadgets and your next vacation will be even more amazing.

12 Personal Finance Skills Everyone Should Master

Budgeting and negotiation are just the tip of the iceberg. How many of these critical life and money skills have you mastered?

7 Ways to Stay Calm in Stressful Moments

Feel stress? Practice calm.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]

Ultimate Guide to Cash Back Shopping

You can actually earn back some of what you spend on Internet purchases. Learn more about the programs available and how to avoid common mistakes.

8 Costly Flight Booking Mistakes You Make All the Time

If the friendly skies aren't so friendly to your wallet, these flight-booking hacks will help.

The 8 Life Skills You Must Learn in Your 40s

You're never too old to stop learning! By the time you hit the big 4-0, consider mastering these eight essential life skills.

8 Questions to Ask Contractors Before Hiring One

You're eager to start that home remodel, but don't skip out on grilling your contractor first.

30 Ways to Use Up a Jar of Preserves

Too many jam jars jamming up the pantry? Don't toss 'em — you'd be surprised how many delicious dishes they can jazz up!

5 Reasons Getting Rich Quick Is Unlikely and Always Will Be

If getting rich quick was easy, we'd all be doing it.

13 Ways to Make Money From Valentine's Day

Instead of spending your precious dollars on a Valentine's Day gift, why not earn some by offering something precious to the lovestruck?

The 5 Best Standing Desks

There's more to a standing desk than the extra height. Find out which desks rank the best durability, sustainability, and adjustability!

4 Ways to Bounce Back From Job Rejection

Your interview went aces and you were already planning your commute to your new gig — then nothing. Redirect that rejection to something better.

Is This the Best Search Engine Ever for New & Used Cars?

The site is one I found quite by accident.The site is called It's only in Beta right now, but the results are a