Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 of the Safest Countries to Visit in 2018

Who needs stress about and worry about safety on vacation? These five international destinations offer plenty of adventure -- minus the risk.

How to Calculate Future Value, and Why It Matters

Discover how simple spreadsheet projections about future investments can help you make long-term decisions today.

Talking Trash: Is Your Messy Mind the Cause of Your Messy House?

If your house is cluttered, it could be affecting your mind, too. The good news is that you can keep your home AND brain clean — even if you're naturally messy.

The 5 Best Pet Flea Shampoos

Keeping fleas away from your pets during summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea shampoos and they'll stay flea-free.

Getting by on a lot less money: 3 ways it's easier than you think

I spent my whole adult life trying to figure out how to get by on a lot less money, because I wanted to be a full-time writer and knew that it wouldn't pay enough to support the li

How to Resist Lifestyle Creep and Still Have Everything You Want

Responsible financial management doesn't mean you have to live like a monk. It does mean you have to define — and choose — your own individual lifestyle.

Get Better Sleep With These 5 Great Sleep-Tracking Apps

If you're a restless sleeper, a sleep tracker can help you monitor your sleep habits in order to develop a better sleep routine. These are five good options.

4 Foolproof Ways to Protect Your Money From Inflation

Inflation may not be as taxing as it once was, but it still chips away at your money. Here's how to keep more of what's yours, for longer.

The High Cost of Pursuing Fame and Fortune

Who hasn't dreamed of achieving fame and fortune? Find out just how much of a long shot stardom really is.

Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter

Just because you don't own a feline friend doesn't mean you should take kitty litter off your shopping list.

9 Money Moves You're Never Too Old to Make

Age is just a number. Don't let it keep you from making smart decisions for long term financial health.

13 Things Successful People Do Every Morning

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then maybe morning is the most important time of the day, especially if you're aiming for success.

This Simple Calculation Will Tell You If You're Getting Your Money's Worth

"Use value" can help you get the most bang for your buck. And it'll probably save you a few bucks, too.

6 Smart Reasons to Pay Your Credit Card Bill Before It's Due

You don't have to wait until the due date to pay your credit card bill. In fact, there are benefits to paying early.

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Vacation Package

Whether you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation package or a bulk vacation package, ask yourself (and the provider) these six questions.

Getting Rid of Acne

This is not a complete list of ways to fix problem zits, but rather a few tips that I've picked up along my acne journey that surprised me.

Don't Despair Over Small Retirement Savings

If you quit checking your 401(k) balance last year, because the market crash made it too depressing, now might be a good time to take a fresh look. It'll still be well down from t

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

This Is Why Your Projects Always Take Longer Than You Expect

Do your projects always seem to take longer than planned? You're not alone. Here's why scheduling is hard — and how you can improve.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.