Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Great Places to Get Free Tax Advice

Confused by taxes? Now you can get free professional help from a variety of surprising sources.

Getting Rich Slowly: Interview with JD Roth

Get Rich Slowly is one of the most popular personal finance web sites on the internet. JD Roth, the man behind the site, agreed to share some of his fiscal background and financial

Get Free High-End Haircuts as a Hair Model

If your locks getting long, but your wallet is short, become a hair model. You can get a high-dollar cut for almost nothing.

Get Smart About Money With These 18 Free Online Courses

If your knowledge of personal finance could use a little help, these free online courses are the perfect learning tools.

10 Ways to Boost Your Take-Home Pay

Getting a new job isn't the only way to make more money — discover great ways to start bringing home more bacon.

10 Crazy Frugality Schemes That Just Might Work

Ready to take your frugal living beyond the everyday? Try one of these cost cutting strategies that push the boundaries of normalcy.

The Top 10 DIY Jobs Homeowners Should Avoid

If you're thinking about tackling a big DIY project, you may want to think again. Screw one of these projects up, and it could ruin your home's value — or worse.

My 16 Favorite Ways to Get Rid of Clutter

Keep clutter out of your house — and out of a landfill — with one or more of these smart ways to keep your place tidy.

How to Save $1,500 on Coffee

Many of us know that we can save money by making coffee at home, but have you ever actually calculated how much? Learn how to save $1,500 on coffee.

12 Travel Perks You Didn't Know Your Credit Card Had

The credit card market is competitive, pushing purveyors of plastic payment to provide a plethora of perks. It pays to peruse your fine print!

Did Your Parents Give You a Whole Life Insurance Policy? Here's What to Do With It.

What is whole life insurance all about? If you have any questions about this, read on.

How to Save on National Park Visits in 2018

While there are only four fee-free days in the National Parks this year, there are plenty of other ways to save. It doesn't cost a lot to visit YOUR national treasures!

Free and Cheap Things to Do in Seattle

Seattle's natural beauty and mild weather make it a fairly easy city to enjoy. Here are some of Seattle's local attractions that cost under $5 per person.

7 Best Discount Shopping Days of the Year

Black Friday is so played. From Green Monday to Super Saturday, these other big shopping days help you save throughout the season — and beyond.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Places to Stash Your Money Besides a Savings Account

Got some cash to stash? There are far better places to keep your money than the traditional old savings account.

Top 10 Real Estate Tax Write-Offs

Top 10 real estate tax write-offs for landlords and real estate investors.

10 Costs You Should Always Negotiate

Almost everything is negotiable, and these 10 everyday costs are no exception. Read this list and start paying less!

10 Vacation Rental Alternatives to Airbnb

Airbnb isn't your only solution for short-term vacation rentals. Check out these other sites, too!

8 Good Reasons to Become a Contractor

There was a time, not that long ago, in which Americans would graduate from college, get a job, and stick with that job until retirement. For those of us who can risk a little more