Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Shop for Food Once a Month and Save Big

Instead of heading to the grocery store every week, go once a month and you'll end up saving money.

15 Ways to Reuse Detergent Bottles

Instead of trashing them when the detergent runs dry, discover the multitude of uses for these very versatile bottles.

The 5 Best E-readers

Finding the right tablet for reading all your favorite books isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these e-readers and you can be the bookworm you've always wanted to be.

15 Delicious and Easy Ways to Enjoy Canned Peaches

Skip the transition from winter to spring by fast-forwarding to warm summer days via a can of sweet and delicious peaches.

Change Jars and 8 Other Clever Ways to Build an Emergency Fund

You don't need a windfall to kick-start your savings. These baby steps will do just fine.

7 Ways Students Can Travel Abroad for Less

Traveling can be incredibly enriching for students. Here are a few ways they can make their travel dreams an affordable reality.

How to Sell Your House in 24 Hours

24 hours? Yup, it's possible. Learn how one Wise Bread Blogger sold her home just a day after listing.

Who Pays For the Bridesmaid Dresses When . . . ?

Figuring out who pays for the bridesmaids' dresses is tough, but depending on the situation, the rules are clear. Try this cheatsheet and good luck!

4 Money Moves to Make After You Pay Off Your Mortgage

You own your home free and clear; congrats! Once you're done celebrating, it's time to make some smart post-mortgage money moves.

How to Get Rid of Your Junk

A few weeks ago, I took a seminar called "Commanding Your Clutter" at a local community college. Here's what I learned about collecting, hoarding, shopping, and finally, letting go

13 Surprising Things You Can Rent for Extra Cash

From the everyday to the oddball, you can rent just about everything in your house for cash — including the house.

7 Self-Care Rituals for the Newly Retired

Your Golden Years are finally here! Now that you're done working, make sure you leave enough time in your day for self-care.

Regifting: A Simple How-To Guide

As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. It's OK to regift as long as you follow a few simple guidelines.

Foraging for Food: The Hunt For The Wild Mushroom

It’s early May, and the river bottom is full of new life. Not just rabbits, snakes, and chicks, but also brand new morel mushrooms. This tasty treat is as much fun to find as it

5 Airlines With the Best Customer Service

Air travel is the worst, right? With these top flight airlines, it's actually pretty nice!

15 Easy to Keep New Year's Resolutions That Really Pay Off

New Year's resolutions are really hard to keep. But these are actually pretty easy, and totally worth the effort.

The 5 Best Electric Can Openers

Do you often find yourself needing to remove difficult can lids? These electric can openers can definitely make the whole process both simpler and safer for you.

Fine Dining on a Take-Out Budget

Looking for a first-rate meal on a take-out budget? Head over to your local culinary school for a great meal at a low price. Nearly all culinary schools have student-run restaurant

Should You Buy Your Leased Car?

Not ready to part ways with your leased ride? You can buy it. But that doesn't always mean you should.

7 Things You Need to Know About 401(k) Hardship Withdrawals

A financial emergency strikes, and your only resource is your 401(k). Before you take that money, there are few important things to understand.