Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Surprising Ways Real Estate Cuts Your Taxes

Owning real estate is considered a great investment. Even sweeter? All the tax breaks that come along with it.

Best Money Tips: How to Cook Gourmet Dishes Like a Pro Chef

Today we found articles on tricks to creating gourmet dishes, a property checklist for first-time homebuyers, and how to build a smoke-free fireplace fire.

Tax Brackets Explained

Why are you taxed what you're taxed? And how do some super-wealthy pay so little? Find out what your tax bracket means and why it matters.

8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem

Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.

Here's How Much to Spend on Life's 3 Biggest Milestones

Life's milestone purchases shouldn't leave you flat broke. How much can you afford on a new car, home, or engagement ring?

Ask the Readers: Are You Taking a Vacation This Summer?

Tell us if you are taking a vacation this summer and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

73 Easy Ways to Save Money Today

Accelerate your debt retirement by redirecting current spending to repaying old bills. Lots of little savings here and there add up fast!

5 Voices to Tune Out When Managing Your Finances

Money is complicated and advice is often welcome. Just know that much of the money advice you hear may actually cost you. A lot.

6 Ways to Travel On a Budget While in Expensive Countries

Just because you're in a pricey location doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune to enjoy it.

The 6 Best Vacation Deal Websites

You need a getaway, but don't pack your bags just yet. You can save big on everything if you know where to shop for it online.

The 5 Best Outdoor Grills

Nothing beats food grilled (or smoked) on a grill. Check out these five excellent outdoor grills that deserve a spot in your yard at your next barbecue.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Why I Need to Find $31K This Year

Wise Bread writer Max Wong needs to find an extra $31,000 this year. She's up for the challenge, and we're along for the ride.

How to Get Free Shipping and Online Discounts Across the Web

Many online retailers across the web offer free shipping and online discounts, but you have to know where to go to get these offers. Here's a place you can go.

9 Free Things to Do in Any City You Visit

Wherever you travel, chances are you will find plenty of fun — and free — places and happenings to experience the people and culture. Here's where to start looking.

A Cheapskate’s Guide to Eating Out

Are there ways to chop the bill and eat out for less? You bet.

6 Things You Might Do on Your First Day of Retirement

Happy day! Your work career is finally officially over and your time is your own. Now what?

Top 10 "Unusual" Uses For Duct Tape

From wallets to emergency sunglasses and even boats, duct tape really can fix (or make) almost anything.

6 Tips for Making Cheaper, Faster, Better Meals

You don't have to slave over the stove to make a great meal. Craft delicious dinners quickly and cheaply with these tips.

Getting by on a lot less money: 3 ways it's easier than you think

I spent my whole adult life trying to figure out how to get by on a lot less money, because I wanted to be a full-time writer and knew that it wouldn't pay enough to support the li

These 15 Road Trip Snacks Make It All About the Journey

Are we there yet? Who cares when the car is filled with delicious — and healthy — snacks and treats like these!